The Name's Ossy Flawol!

I'm an avid Portal modder and content creator, known as the 'Portal Lore Master' among my peers. I'm hoping to shine light on some of the more obscure parts of the games and all things Valve-related! It's never a dull day with an Ossy Flawol upload!

Do you have trouble understanding me in some videos? That's to be expected, I'm someone who suffers with Cluttering, a fluency disorder that can make me more difficult to properly understand when talking. You can read up on information about Cluttering here:

Captions on my videos are provided by Reese Rivers.

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Ossy Flawol

I haven't gotten a new video yet in a state that I'd be happy to release it in yet, however - I've got something really fun lined up for everyone to enjoy in the meantime.

Sometime soon (I'm still working out the time for this @_@) I'll be doing a special stream event - the *Portal Grab Bag Stream*!

For this stream, a friend of mine spent some time scrounging the depths of Fileplanet, ModDB, and old Portal modding communities like portalgamemaps and ThinkingWithPortals to bring me really old custom Portal 1 content for me to play - and the best part? *I'm going into these totally blind.*

I have no idea what to expect from this! We've got a range from full-scale Portal mods to shitty lil' maps, and even more surprises. I hope you all will tune in once this comes about, because who knows? It may even need to become MULTIPLE streams.

See y'all soon! I was hoping for a new video in June but I had spent alot of time finishing up the college semester, so I need a small break from all that writing before I return to writing video scripts...

vor 5 Tage (editiert) | [YT] | 163

Ossy Flawol

Hello everyone! I’m glad to see all the intrigue formed from my video on Portal 2’s Cut Easter Eggs and thankful for that support. I’ve got an update on the Rattman Discs, but I feel it doesn’t warrant it’s own video. So here’s a little post about what’s been discovered since the video’s release.

- Firstly, something I forgot to mention is the Rattman Discs come from sometime in mid 2010, LONG before Lab Rat was a thing and before Rattman even had a finalised design.

- Now, it turns out from looking at the entity logic in the Coop Course maps and comparing them to what we know the Rattman Discs had, it turns out the Rattman Discs came first! The Coop maps with the Discs actually have their very own dead I/O of the Rattman Discs themselves, indicating the Coop Maps took their logic from the Rattman Disc sequences.

- This means then that “aperture_movie” would have been the little unused animated video of the Aperture Science logo that exists in the files! This was very likely a placeholder, as was the next discovery…

- Dog, yet another Portal 2 Beta Researcher, poked through the .snd Reslist files of the maps that had the discs ( .snds is a list of sounds the maps play). It turns out these maps all share a common unique sound - “cavejohnson.SISSIES”. This is an F-STOP Cave line! It’s actually an early version of the line where Cave says you’ve been taking a long time on the catwalks and then calls the Lab Boys “eggheads”. (Doesn’t take a genius to figure out from the F-STOP Cave line file name what he originally called them...)

- This therefore means the Rattman Discs COULD have actually been about Cave Johnson, however, we have no way of knowing, as they may have just used this dialogue line as a placeholder.

vor 2 Monaten (editiert) | [YT] | 599

Ossy Flawol

Hey everyone, it's April 19th, meaning Portal 2 is now 13 years old! But...did you know Ossy was actually first drawn on this very day in 2017? This means he shares a birthday with Portal 2, so happy 7th to Ossy as a character!

Just to give a word in - I had wanted to actually get my next video out in time, however, it's only half completed, and I didn't want to crunch myself for it. Expect it soon however! It's juicy and nearly half an hour long :)

vor 2 Monaten (editiert) | [YT] | 527

Ossy Flawol

Hi, uh, WOW.

*30,000 subscribers* sure is a milestone to suddenly get while in the midst of my little hiatus/break from video production (Mainly for mental health purposes, don't worry I'm fine!), I'm sorry to report I did not have a milestone video lined up because I genuinely hadn't been checking on those statistics for the past few months.

For the record:

- I am back at college for this year, my video production is going to be affected by this! By how much we'll see.

- I am officially coming out to say my Portal RTX review video, after a tumultuous full year of development hell, is cancelled. The time to make it has long passed and I felt that after *7* video script iterations, I was unhappy with the video at every turn. There will be a video at some point in the future detailing more about the 'why' and how that video production made me learn a lot about myself as a person and my videos.

- There is a new video in production. It is long-form. It is insane. It is a video only I would ever make. And to give a hint..? Well. It's pretty *concrete.*

vor 3 Monaten (editiert) | [YT] | 246

Ossy Flawol

Hey everyone, Ossy Flawol here and OH MY GOD.

The response to my video analysing Chell and what her backstory may be has been absolutely incredible to see - 50,000 VIEWS in ONE DAY! For a video that I was worried would be super controversial due to how it tackles the Chell Backstory question in a way that avoids falling into the same repeated theories of “Chell Johnson” or similar popular fandom interpretations, you people absolutely knocked it out of the park with the support and intrigue!

There’s a few stuff about the video I do wish I handled better - such as my editing during the quick cut-in about the Portal RTX Clipboard on Subject #234 when I had the RTX clipboard both ingame and it’s actual texture side-by-side leading to people mistaking the ingame RTX clipboard for the original Portal one, (despite the fact seconds earlier I had literally shown the original Portal 1 clipboard) or the possibility of going a bit more indepth on why Chell Johnson is a fundamentally flawed theory (according to Ellen McClain herself!), but all across the board, I feel really happy seeing people’s interest in what I had presented!

Ultimately, the video isn’t perfect - Portal’s Lore itself is very shallow and it’s depth comes from it’s vagueness, leading to fan interpretations filling in the gap, so even if someone followed the exact steps I took in my analysis, I doubt the same conclusion would’ve been reached! Seeing people’s potential explanations and interpretations in the comments of what happened to Chell’s adoptive father especially is one huge part of that.

Regardless of all that — Thank you all for the support regardless! I’ll see you lot in my next video! <3

vor 9 Monaten (editiert) | [YT] | 1,225

Ossy Flawol

Lore focused video is next. This is a big one.

vor 11 Monaten | [YT] | 205

Ossy Flawol

Hi folks. If you’ve seen my latest video you may have seen me shoutout the White Eyes Investigation Discord. I am here to say that the Discord is now permanently gone until further notice, as someone has falsely reported the server and caused all moderator’s accounts to be wiped - including mine.

I am trying to appeal the disabling of my Discord account, but let it be known that once I do bring it back, I will not be bringing back the White Eyes Investigation Discord under my wing.

vor 1 Jahr | [YT] | 161

Ossy Flawol

Some people may remember that I’m the creator of Portal: Epic Edition, a joke mod for Portal 1. Well, an up-and-coming YouTuber named BlanK released a 30 minute video essay about Portal Epic Edition disguised as an April Fools review of the original Portal, and it’s really really good!! Give it a watch, you’ve got the Flawol Guarantee on that one :)

vor 1 Jahr | [YT] | 89

Ossy Flawol

I’m genuinely left speechless by the response to the documentary on Portal: The Flash Version, everyone who has walked away from the video has had only the kindest things to say to me about it, and I’ve seen nothing but an outpour of love form for the legacy of Portal: The Flash Version.

That is to not even say the amazing responses I’ve gotten from Ido & Hen of WeCreateStuff and Josh Weier, the Lead Developer of Portal 2 & Portal: Still Alive. They all loved it.

And if you haven’t watched it yet? What are you doing!!! Go watch it!!

P.S. If this documentary hits 500k views before the end of the year, I will set it in stone that I will also make one on a similar level of depth for the first Portal game >:)

vor 1 Jahr (editiert) | [YT] | 269

Ossy Flawol

Hey everyone, Ossy Flawol here!

I've been hard at work over the past month on my next main channel upload, which is proving to be an intense workload due to it being one of the first videos of mine that extends into the hour-long range. Hope everyone's been doing well in the lieu of waiting for it!

In other news - I still am slowly figuring out how to approach my Portal RTX Review, but in the meantime, I've developed, and released, one of the first major Portal RTX mods called Flawol-RTX! You can find a trailer for it over on my second channel, go check it out!

I'll see y'all soon once my next main video is out!

vor 1 Jahr | [YT] | 43