Ossy Flawol

Hello everyone! I’m glad to see all the intrigue formed from my video on Portal 2’s Cut Easter Eggs and thankful for that support. I’ve got an update on the Rattman Discs, but I feel it doesn’t warrant it’s own video. So here’s a little post about what’s been discovered since the video’s release.

- Firstly, something I forgot to mention is the Rattman Discs come from sometime in mid 2010, LONG before Lab Rat was a thing and before Rattman even had a finalised design.

- Now, it turns out from looking at the entity logic in the Coop Course maps and comparing them to what we know the Rattman Discs had, it turns out the Rattman Discs came first! The Coop maps with the Discs actually have their very own dead I/O of the Rattman Discs themselves, indicating the Coop Maps took their logic from the Rattman Disc sequences.

- This means then that “aperture_movie” would have been the little unused animated video of the Aperture Science logo that exists in the files! This was very likely a placeholder, as was the next discovery…

- Dog, yet another Portal 2 Beta Researcher, poked through the .snd Reslist files of the maps that had the discs ( .snds is a list of sounds the maps play). It turns out these maps all share a common unique sound - “cavejohnson.SISSIES”. This is an F-STOP Cave line! It’s actually an early version of the line where Cave says you’ve been taking a long time on the catwalks and then calls the Lab Boys “eggheads”. (Doesn’t take a genius to figure out from the F-STOP Cave line file name what he originally called them...)

- This therefore means the Rattman Discs COULD have actually been about Cave Johnson, however, we have no way of knowing, as they may have just used this dialogue line as a placeholder.

vor 2 Monaten (editiert) | [YT] | 600