Ossy Flawol

Hi, uh, WOW.

*30,000 subscribers* sure is a milestone to suddenly get while in the midst of my little hiatus/break from video production (Mainly for mental health purposes, don't worry I'm fine!), I'm sorry to report I did not have a milestone video lined up because I genuinely hadn't been checking on those statistics for the past few months.

For the record:

- I am back at college for this year, my video production is going to be affected by this! By how much we'll see.

- I am officially coming out to say my Portal RTX review video, after a tumultuous full year of development hell, is cancelled. The time to make it has long passed and I felt that after *7* video script iterations, I was unhappy with the video at every turn. There will be a video at some point in the future detailing more about the 'why' and how that video production made me learn a lot about myself as a person and my videos.

- There is a new video in production. It is long-form. It is insane. It is a video only I would ever make. And to give a hint..? Well. It's pretty *concrete.*

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