Ossy Flawol

Hey everyone, Ossy Flawol here and OH MY GOD.

The response to my video analysing Chell and what her backstory may be has been absolutely incredible to see - 50,000 VIEWS in ONE DAY! For a video that I was worried would be super controversial due to how it tackles the Chell Backstory question in a way that avoids falling into the same repeated theories of “Chell Johnson” or similar popular fandom interpretations, you people absolutely knocked it out of the park with the support and intrigue!

There’s a few stuff about the video I do wish I handled better - such as my editing during the quick cut-in about the Portal RTX Clipboard on Subject #234 when I had the RTX clipboard both ingame and it’s actual texture side-by-side leading to people mistaking the ingame RTX clipboard for the original Portal one, (despite the fact seconds earlier I had literally shown the original Portal 1 clipboard) or the possibility of going a bit more indepth on why Chell Johnson is a fundamentally flawed theory (according to Ellen McClain herself!), but all across the board, I feel really happy seeing people’s interest in what I had presented!

Ultimately, the video isn’t perfect - Portal’s Lore itself is very shallow and it’s depth comes from it’s vagueness, leading to fan interpretations filling in the gap, so even if someone followed the exact steps I took in my analysis, I doubt the same conclusion would’ve been reached! Seeing people’s potential explanations and interpretations in the comments of what happened to Chell’s adoptive father especially is one huge part of that.

Regardless of all that — Thank you all for the support regardless! I’ll see you lot in my next video! <3

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