Safiya Nygaard

HELLO FRIENDS!! so while we’re working on our next video (hopefully coming very soon 👀).. a couple of weeks ago we posted a video on the channel where we bought the same dress from tiktok ads for $4, $30, $60, & $200 (yes we did forget to post about it over here, oops!). i had been seeing countless ads for what appeared to be the same exact dress on my feed, so i decided to do some ~investigating~, and ended up falling down a serious rabbit hole… 😳 make sure to check it out if you haven’t already, and leave us a “🕵🏻‍♀️” in the comments below if you’ve already seen it! are there more fishy online ads or companies you've seen that we should investigate?? xoxo, saf

vor 6 Monaten | [YT] | 20,271