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You can ONLY save ONE PERSON from certain execution, which one?

vor 2 Monaten | [YT] | 1,146


A desease-curing scientist! His/her death would probably impact the future of the whole world.

vor 2 Monaten | 70


What if the person I just started dating was a loving father of two children and a disease curing scientist? Screw the idol.

vor 2 Monaten | 62


Disease curing scientist is best tbh . It’s sad if one family dies but how many people will die if there isn’t a cure to a diseases

vor 2 Monaten | 102


Why are they being executed? That matters. Did they do something horrible and need to be executed? Are they worth saving at that point?

vor 2 Monaten | 39


If the scientist can actually cure diseases, think of how many fathers will be saved due to his work. Definitely more than one. SAVE THE SCIENTIST!

vor 2 Monaten | 6


They didn't say life threatening desease. What would you classify as a disease ?

vor 2 Monaten | 4


Practically the first one, emotional the second one

vor 2 Monaten | 8


A father raising two kid's a mericle!!

vor 2 Monaten | 7


Honestly? My mother.

vor 2 Monaten | 21


A disease curing scientist can be replaced, a loving father cannot.

vor 2 Monaten (editiert) | 3


I heard that the scientist is also a loving father of two and a football playing king in space...with a mustache.

vor 2 Monaten (editiert) | 1


Realistically everyone would choose the person they're dating, if it's the only person they have a genuine connection with. Who really cares about Lois Pasture, when put next to Lady Gaga, some random guy with a beard or the girl they just started sleeping with... Under pressure for sure most people would choose whoever they're most intimate with to save.

vor 2 Monaten (editiert) | 1


Think abt it this way. The disease curing scientist could potentially save more than just one loving father of two children.

vor 2 Monaten | 2


#2 and #4, all of them if possible.

vor 2 Monaten | 2


The person I recently started dating is the loving father of two children

vor 2 Monaten | 1


The person I’m dating has been with me for 3 years so she doesn’t count, the father of 2 Idgaf about so it would be either my icon or a scientist. Unless that scientist can cure incurable diseases I choose my icon.

vor 2 Monaten | 2


to be fair. There's a lot of scientists and happy families and Famous people but only one person I'm dating

vor 2 Monaten | 0


What if the loving father is a scientist

vor 2 Monaten | 2


A loving father of two childrens

vor 2 Monaten | 1


Haha those who picked the Diva actually did it out of spite. Seriously, 4% thinks she is worth saving compared to a scientist who will contribute much more to the world? Come on, you gotta be kidding 🤣🤣🤣

vor 2 Monaten | 1