Hay Day

We reached 6 BILLION musical notes!!!🎶 Claim the Light Tech deco from the in-game shop!🥰

Our fourth diamond millionaire: #9LVV2CRRQ

Huge congrats, everyone!

vor 3 Wochen | [YT] | 3,107


As a long time player, I think this event was poorly managed. We can work to earn the deco, but why do we need 3 drummers, 2 guitar players, 2 sheep lights, multiple signs, etc. and no chance to win the vocalist without spending diamonds?!

vor 3 Wochen | 114


I really think it’s extremely unfair that the whole community worked for it but only 4 got the big prize, everyone worked hard I think all of the players should at least get some diamonds as reward for their hard work without an extra farm pass.

vor 3 Wochen | 356


Very unfair for the whole community. Instead of giving 4 person 6 million diamonds, you could have shared them with whole community. It’s really unfair for people like me who actually spends real money on the game. What you were thinking Hay Day Team while making this decision?

vor 3 Wochen | 71


I think hayday should give atleast 50,00,000 diamond to all the hayday players because everyone worked hard to win but randomly if u give just 4 members it's actually very unfair hope you do justice for other players

vor 3 Wochen | 67


رسالة إلى شركة سوبر سل الموضوع: مقاطعة لعبة هاي داي مقدمة: نحن مجموعة من لاعبي هاي داي نكتب إليكم اليوم للتعبير عن استيائنا الشديد من السياسات الأخيرة التي اتخذتها الشركة والتي أثرت سلبًا على تجربة اللعب بشكل كبير. أسباب المقاطعة: * وضع حد يومي على أدوات الترقية: تقييد عدد أدوات الترقية المتاحة للاعبين في اليوم الواحد من 89 إلى عدد أقل مع زيادة عدد المنتجات في كل مرة وزيادة وقت الإنتاج من 20 ساعة إلى 17 ساعة، يجعل من الصعب للغاية على اللاعبين التقدم في اللعبة. * وضع حد يومي على استخراج الألماس: تقييد عدد المجوهرات التي يمكن للاعبين استخراجها من المنجم في اليوم الواحد من 10 إلى عدد أقل، يجعل من الصعب الحصول على الموارد اللازمة للتقدم في اللعبة. * إغلاق خلل منتج: إغلاق خلل منتج كان يسمح للاعبين بالحصول على موارد إضافية، مما زاد من صعوبة اللعبة على اللاعبين الجدد والحاليين. * نقص الأدوات والمنتجات: عدم توفر أدوات ترقية الحظائر والمنتجات بشكل كافٍ يجعل من الصعب على اللاعبين التقدم في اللعبة. النتائج: أدت هذه السياسات إلى تراجع كبير في متعة اللعبة، مما دفع العديد من اللاعبين إلى التفكير في حذف اللعبة بشكل نهائي. المطالب: نطالب شركة سوبر سل بإعادة النظر في هذه السياسات واتخاذ الخطوات التالية: * فتح الحد اليومي على أدوات الترقية: السماح للاعبين باستخدام عدد أكبر من أدوات الترقية في اليوم الواحد. * تقليل وقت الإنتاج: تقليل وقت الإنتاج للمواد المختلفة. * إعادة فتح خلل الطعام: إعادة فتح خلل الطعام في المتجر. * زيادة توفر الأدوات والمنتجات: توفير المزيد من أدوات ترقية الحظائر والمنتجات للاعبين. الخلاصة: نعتقد أن هذه التغييرات ضرورية لإعادة الحماس إلى لعبة هاي داي وتحسين تجربة اللعب لجميع اللاعبين. نأمل أن تستمع شركة سوبر سل لمطالبنا وتتخذ الخطوات اللازمة لمعالجة هذه المشكلات. مع خالص الشكر والتقدير، مجموعة من لاعبي هاي داي Message to Supercell Regarding Hay Day Boycott Subject: Hay Day Boycott Introduction: We are a group of Hay Day players writing to express our deep dissatisfaction with the company's recent policies that have significantly impacted the gaming experience. Reasons for Boycott: * Daily Cap on Upgrade Tools: Limiting the number of upgrade tools available to players per day from 89 to a lower number, while increasing the number of products per batch and production time from 20 hours to 17 hours, makes it extremely difficult for players to progress in the game. * Daily Cap on Gem Mining: Restricting the number of gems players can mine from the mine per day from 10 to a lower number makes it challenging to acquire resources necessary for game progression. * Patching of Product Glitch: Patching a product glitch that allowed players to obtain additional resources has further increased the game's difficulty for both new and existing players. * Tool and Product Shortage: Insufficient availability of barn upgrade tools and products hinders players' progress in the game. Consequences: These policies have led to a significant decline in the game's enjoyment, prompting many players to consider deleting the game permanently. Demands: We urge Supercell to reconsider these policies and take the following steps: * Remove Daily Cap on Upgrade Tools: Allow players to use more upgrade tools per day. * Reduce Production Time: Shorten the production time for various materials. * Reopen Food Glitch: Reopen the food glitch in the shop. * Increase Tool and Product Availability: Provide more barn upgrade tools and products to players. Conclusion: We believe these changes are essential to revive the excitement in Hay Day and enhance the gaming experience for all players. We hope Supercell will heed our demands and take the necessary steps to address these issues. Sincerely, A Group of Hay Day Players

vor 3 Wochen | 56


Good game Hay Day. Still hope you guys do better next year, giving a million diamonds to just 4 players is unfair to the rest trillions of us, we work so hard to reach this milestones together yet we received very less than we deserve.

vor 3 Wochen | 28


هناك عدد كبير من اللاعبين لم يستفادوا ولو بشى قليل من الجهد الذي بذلوه اتخيل ان يربح شخص مغلق حسابه ب مليون ماسه بينما الذين عملوا بجد لم يحصلوا على شيء فقط ارجوا ان تعوضوا للاعبين 💔👍😶

vor 3 Wochen | 13


more than 10,000 people plays this game while u giving 1Million diamonds to just 4 people? how is it fair for rest of us??

vor 3 Wochen | 68



vor 3 Wochen | 11


There is no meet and greet decor in gifts book. How are we supposed to complete decoration book? I am very dissapointed

vor 3 Wochen | 22


We need 1 deco back in the catalog again

vor 3 Wochen | 3


Message to Supercell Regarding Hay Day Boycott Subject: Hay Day Boycott Introduction: We are a group of Hay Day players writing to express our deep dissatisfaction with the company's recent policies that have significantly impacted the gaming experience. Reasons for Boycott: * Daily Cap on Upgrade Tools: Limiting the number of upgrade tools available to players per day from 89 to a lower number, while increasing the number of products per batch and production time from 20 hours to 17 hours, makes it extremely difficult for players to progress in the game. * Daily Cap on Gem Mining: Restricting the number of gems players can mine from the mine per day from 10 to a lower number makes it challenging to acquire resources necessary for game progression. * Patching of Product Glitch: Patching a product glitch that allowed players to obtain additional resources has further increased the game's difficulty for both new and existing players. * Tool and Product Shortage: Insufficient availability of barn upgrade tools and products hinders players' progress in the game. Consequences: These policies have led to a significant decline in the game's enjoyment, prompting many players to consider deleting the game permanently. Demands: We urge Supercell to reconsider these policies and take the following steps: * Remove Daily Cap on Upgrade Tools: Allow players to use more upgrade tools per day. * Reduce Production Time: Shorten the production time for various materials. * Reopen Food Glitch: Reopen the food glitch in the shop. * Increase Tool and Product Availability: Provide more barn upgrade tools and products to players. Conclusion: We believe these changes are essential to revive the excitement in Hay Day and enhance the gaming experience for all players. We hope Supercell will heed our demands and take the necessary steps to address these issues. Sincerely, A Group of Hay Day Players

vor 3 Wochen | 57


We are also doing hard work so please send this suprise to every body not a million of diamond but you only give us 200 diamond or it's totally fair to everyone who hard work in this game and it's totally depends on you to give everyone or only give four people it's unfair but We respect your decision 🙏

vor 3 Wochen | 5


When can we get the meet and great one

vor 3 Wochen | 4


رجاءا ارجع ثغرة التبديل، اللعبة اصبحت فاشلة لا يوجد لدينا منتجات او ادوات او ادوات منجم، كل الالات تحتاج وقت طويل والكثير من المنتجات لكي نصنع شي واحدPlease return the switch loophole. The game has become a failure. We have no products, tools, or mining tools. All machines require a long time and a lot of products in order to make one thing.

vor 3 Wochen | 5



vor 3 Wochen | 13


The link doesn't work. How do you get the lead singer?? If you purchase Tom for free, it doesn't work.

vor 3 Wochen | 2


2 of the catalog items disappeared on the day they should have been available.

vor 3 Wochen | 3


If this what happens,we are going to lose interest in games…I mean we are also giving our time and efforts to the game..but our are unseen,I’m losing interest…anyone else?

vor 3 Wochen | 10


I wish it was possible to exchange them or get one you didn't have already. I have 3 of them. But will be lacking thr one with 2 chickens who sings. I don't want to use more diamonds than I've already used to try and get it. So far it was a waste of diamonds 😅

vor 3 Wochen | 5