Safiya Nygaard

HELLO FRIENDS!! we just posted a new video on the channel where we took over a croissant bakery for a day!! 🥐👩🏻‍🍳✨leave us a "🥐" in the comments below if you've already watched it - and make sure to check it out if you haven’t already!! not only did we learn how to make your classic, crescent-shaped ✨QUASO✨, we also made some crazy, cream-filled croissant CUBES, including my own slightly goth, custom cube-creation 💀 unleash the power of the cube, baby!! 🎁 what did you guys think of our final products? were they “beetlejuice” or beetle-JUICY? xoxo, saf 🖤

vor 3 Monaten (editiert) | [YT] | 14,577


Can only be described as scrumptious or “nummy” looking

vor 3 Monaten | 66


I did indeed love watching the QUASONTS!

vor 3 Monaten | 20


I saw this, ran to find the video, and then victoriously whisper-yelled “SAFIYA! SHE’S ALIVE!”

vor 3 Monaten | 309


They looked delicious! 🥐

vor 3 Monaten (editiert) | 28


So excited to see you're back! 🥐

vor 3 Monaten | 36


It was interesting! Love croissants. I always look forward to your videos. I've never seen a box croissant before. The cream inside sounds 😋

vor 3 Monaten | 11



vor 3 Monaten (editiert) | 16


i was getting safiya deprived I've been rewatching so many of your videos and have introduced them to friends as well, you're on my top 3 youtubers saf!

vor 3 Monaten (editiert) | 4


Loved this one! Always was curious about the steps of making a croissant!!🥐

vor 3 Monaten | 2


Just last night I said "its been too long since Safiya posted a new video!" She was listening...

vor 3 Monaten | 11


always excited for a new video

vor 3 Monaten | 17


I was so happy when I saw you posted!! Watched it right away

vor 3 Monaten | 4


🥐🥐🥐🥐 why do the cubes look SO SWEET AND FILLING!

vor 3 Monaten (editiert) | 0


One of your best editorials!

vor 3 Monaten | 0



vor 3 Monaten | 9


Yum! They all looked delicious 😋

vor 3 Monaten | 0


Congrats on the 10 mil!

vor 2 Monaten | 0


Not the croissantussy 😭😩

vor 3 Monaten | 3


When you say croissant, you're saying crescent. It's the same French word that's entered the English language twice. You could also also say crescent pastry but it sounds less fancy.

vor 3 Monaten | 9


🥐!! they looked sooo tasty!

vor 3 Monaten | 2