
Need advice?
I'm bestowing my infinite wisdom.
Ask away!

(pic is somewhat related)

vor 10 Monaten | [YT] | 133,769


Pewds has betrayed the floor gang

vor 10 Monaten (editiert) | 32,000


Since pewds is a dad now, he’s obligated to give us fatherly advice

vor 10 Monaten | 14,000


Hey pewds, as someone who's been on the fatherhood train for 18 months, I wish you nothing but restful nights and fun filled days. It's tough but it's great, all the best to you and your family.

vor 10 Monaten | 707


Here's one for ya. For someone about to go full time daily. How do you get yourself organized and regimented? You put in over a decade into daily uploads and I'm very curious how you went about your routine and maintained it for so long.

vor 10 Monaten | 34


What languages do you speak at home and what do you plan on teaching Bjorn? Much love and God bless your family!

vor 10 Monaten | 723


How are you, Marzia and baby Björn doing? New babies are never easy, and I hope you guys are holding up okay ❤️

vor 10 Monaten | 675


What’s life been like in Japan so far? Do you have plans to teach Bjorn Japanese, Swedish or Italian? Thank you for being so amazing ♥️

vor 10 Monaten | 162


Pewds, I'm 17 right now, when you were 17 where did you think you'd be now in your life? What came true and what didn't? Also congratulations on fatherhood! You helped raise so many of us online I know you'll do an amazing job!

vor 10 Monaten | 62


Hey Felix, I’m glad I got to know you through YouTube. You’ve always been there, like a grandma for me.

vor 10 Monaten | 1,000


Can marzia give us some authentic Italian pasta recipes? And what's your favorite pescatarian dish?

vor 10 Monaten | 1,600


Congrats on being a father, Felix! I wish you and your family a happy life.

vor 9 Monaten | 1


I would like to know how you gave up nicotine and alcohol addiction, and how you live without all this. Thank you for your content.

vor 10 Monaten | 11


Will you be doing anymore workout videos? Unironically felt so motivated seeing you train 🙏

vor 10 Monaten | 532


Do you ever plan on making more book reviews? I’m an avid reader and really enjoyed them.

vor 10 Monaten | 541


It must feel so good positively effecting the lives of so many people in very simple yet deep for us ways. You're one of the few people who I've not met in real life but genuinely wish the best for!

vor 10 Monaten | 1


Just wanted to write im finally moving somewhere of my own with my boyfriend and best friend. a place i can call home and be surrounded with people who truly love me and are my true family. Today at work I was watching your videos with Ken and remembered how much it helped watching your lets plays when i was a teenager, made me happy in the darker days in my household. I finally have an apartment, i finally have a family, thanks for lightening up my days as a kid and nowadays as an adult with your videos. Best of luck with your own family🌸

vor 10 Monaten | 2


How is Marzia doing? She soldiered through giving birth like it was making pasta

vor 10 Monaten | 521


When next book review?! Because YOU got me into reading again after school made it absolutely insufferable for me. The list of books I want to read is way too long already but it's been a while since I added something to it. I hope you know how overpowered Björn can become if he learns Swedish, Italian and English from you and Japanese on the fly in school. I wish you, Marzia and Björn all the best for the future <3

vor 10 Monaten | 365


What was the hardest period you’ve went through in your life, and how did you overcome/bear it?

vor 10 Monaten | 1


how much did having a child change your perspective on life? btw love ya pewds ❤️

vor 10 Monaten | 970