Revealing Light -Tarot, Astrology & Spirituality

I am a clairvoyant & psychic medium. I’ve been reading tarot for decades, studying astrology for the past 5 years, & have been a clairvoyant all my life, experiencing psychic & emphatic events from childhood. I cover diverse subjects…global events, climate change, politics and future world trends and events. I use astrology to look at major planetary movements & conjunctions impacting our world, and I channel messages from passed over, inspirational souls and on spiritual themes.

I also cover threats to democracies & predict where these threats will lead us.

To purchase my oracle deck, the Revealing Light Oracle:

(No personal readings at this time)

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Readings are for entertainment purposes only.

Thank you,
Bachelor Comms, Grad Dip Education, Bachelor Social Sciences (Social Welfare)