Continual Shift with Dave Rogers

Welcome To The Continual Shift Channel.

My name is with Dave Rogers and I am so happy that you have stumbled to my channel.

I upload content weekly and our content is focused on

1) Financial Abundance, Financial Literacy and Effective Investing, Trading and Speculating. If you have questions about stocks, crypto and all things financial, this is the channel for you.

2) Mental Wellness, Mental Health, and Mental Joy. If you would like to explore mental wellness with our experienced coaches, mentors and therapist, this is the channel for you.

3) Personal Growth, Spiritual Development, Peace and Harmony - if you are curious to develop your tool kit of personal growth approaches to calmness, inner peace or personal harmony, this is the channel for you.

Join the journey of wellness, prosperity, and service with best practises, and uplifting stories of overcoming and stepping through the darkness of night terror, fear, and trauma to the liberating zone of compassion & freedom.