Hello and welcome Names AMBUKNIGHT and I'm your host the videos are simple as I say. I talk alot, and I use my words tell you guys things, stories, and even may show some game play of me, but this channel is mostly for Talks and discussions of random fun or world event's depending on what I chose.

Twilight Stories are my discussion videos. They range form Reviews, News, Disscuisons, and random talks.

Shadow Stories are my works that I tell some may fiction or fantasy with little in between or poems. However I don't read smut nor disturbing graphics. And if you want me to read a story of your own makeing or a story that you like for me to read I be willing to hear it. But most of the time the stories will be of my Creations.

Game's of my Library. Don't expect alot firm this.

Icon by Check out Anarchy On Toast (TⒶst) (@AnarchyOnToast): twitter.com/AnarchyOnToast?s=09

I'm AMBUKNIGHT have a wonderful day. "Shalom"