Tara Arnold channels divine messages from Saint Germain. Everyone is able to channel. We all have this ability. It is only a "remembering" how to. Tara offers video courses on How To Channel ( For Beginners ) and How To Trance-Channel. Available in the links below.

Tara Arnold is an Intuitive Artist and Conscious / Trance Channel Medium with Ascended Master St. Germain. She relays his Universal messages of love and guidance to assist humanity to remember who they are as conscious beings.
As a Medium she channels messages of universal knowledge and divine healing energy. As an artist, Tara channels this healing energy into all of her paintings. Tara's empathic and intuitive abilities include: clairvoyance, claircognizance, clairaudience, clairsentience, clairscent, and clairgustance.

Business Inquiries: email tara@taraarnoldart.com


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