
My name is Alan Becker! Maybe you saw my "Animator vs. Animation" when it became a viral video in 2006. I make stick figure animations that take place on a computer desktop screen. There is no dialogue, but a lot of humor and emotion. Hope you enjoy!

Check out my other channels too! I teach how to animate, I run a Minecraft server, and I play games!

Interesting in working for me as an animator? Apply below!

Alan Becker

Hello everyone! The next episode will be Animation vs. Geometry and it will premiere on June 29th at 8AM ET!

vor 1 Woche | [YT] | 65,206

Alan Becker

Exciting news!! You can now listen to the music from AvM Shorts Season 3 on most (if not all) streaming platforms! Huge thanks to Scott Buckley for writing such amazing tracks and for setting this up.

Pigstep had to be tweaked a bit, since the beginning of that track was literally Lena Raine's Pigstep, so Scott wrote a cover version of it for that track. Also includes the extended version of Warden's Theme (not seen on my channel)!

▶ Spotify:…
▶ Apple:…
▶ YouTube Music:
▶ Amazon:
▶ Tidal:
▶ Deezer:
▶ Soundcloud:…

vor 1 Woche (editiert) | [YT] | 61,892

Alan Becker

Monitor Buddiez and large plushies for Purple, King Orange, and Victim will be available for just 7 more days!!!

vor 2 Wochen | [YT] | 77,515

Alan Becker

The next episode will be called Note Block Concert and will premiere at 8am ET on May 25th :)

vor 1 Monat | [YT] | 80,113

Alan Becker

Large plushies and (new) Monitor Buddiez coming May 25th at 8am ET! Available for 4 weeks!

vor 1 Monat | [YT] | 53,493

Alan Becker

BIG UPDATE! I'm going to rename all of the Animator vs Animation episodes so it's less confusing.
- Each episode is its own AvA rather than a subset of a larger AvA.
- The AvAs will be grouped in Seasons.
- No more roman numerals.
- I will be releasing Season 1 as its own video, and renaming AvA V to AvA Season 2. Question for you guys: should I update AVA 1-3 to fit a widescreen format?
- The way the story planning is going, it looks like Season 3 will contain 5 more episodes.
- They won't literally be called AVA, read that as Animator vs. Animation

ALSO! the next AvA episode is a big one, it had several setbacks as well so expect it around the end of this year. But we're doing everything we can to speed up the process so it doesn't take several years to finish this season.
ALSO ALSO! The next video will be a Minecraft short. This doesn't mean we've been prioritizing AvM over AvA. They receive equal focus, AvA just takes a lot more work. Thank you for reading this BIG UPDATE!

vor 1 Monat (editiert) | [YT] | 27,546

Alan Becker

I was happy to contribute to the prize pool for this animation tournament, some really solid entries! the winner 100% deserved it

vor 1 Monat | [YT] | 12,132

Alan Becker

HEY! Check out my freshly revamped Minecraft server, featuring Survival, Creative, and Skyblock! Supports Java, Bedrock and even VR, from versions 1.13 to 1.20.4.

Bedrock port: 19132
Version: 1.13 - 1.20.4

vor 3 Monaten | [YT] | 33,478

Alan Becker

I will be at VidCon Anaheim this year and I would love to meet you at my Meet & Greet! VidCon is not paying me to say this, I genuinely had a good time meeting you guys last year and want to make sure you guys know so I can meet more of you this year!

vor 5 Monaten | [YT] | 81,697