Alan Becker

BIG UPDATE! I'm going to rename all of the Animator vs Animation episodes so it's less confusing.
- Each episode is its own AvA rather than a subset of a larger AvA.
- The AvAs will be grouped in Seasons.
- No more roman numerals.
- I will be releasing Season 1 as its own video, and renaming AvA V to AvA Season 2. Question for you guys: should I update AVA 1-3 to fit a widescreen format?
- The way the story planning is going, it looks like Season 3 will contain 5 more episodes.
- They won't literally be called AVA, read that as Animator vs. Animation

ALSO! the next AvA episode is a big one, it had several setbacks as well so expect it around the end of this year. But we're doing everything we can to speed up the process so it doesn't take several years to finish this season.
ALSO ALSO! The next video will be a Minecraft short. This doesn't mean we've been prioritizing AvM over AvA. They receive equal focus, AvA just takes a lot more work. Thank you for reading this BIG UPDATE!

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