Rap Artist Paco - Tennessee Southern White Rapper, first Lp full length release 2005 "Paco Chapter 1" Second Lp full length release 2008 "Paco Chapter 2" gained a worldwide access distribution deal with a worldwide audience. While remaining underground this Artist is climbing the corporate ladder "flying underneath the radar" with deals including: Amazon, iTunes, Yahoo, Google, etc... Some of todays major music outlets. Digitally this artist is found anywhere online. Mobil apps & devices such as Verizon, Sprint, T-Mobil, Boost, etc... Are all buying into his material & marketing strategy for broadening Rap & Hip Hop in todays mainstream. Radio air waves have yet to play Rap Artist Paco. Although it shouldn't be long before this Artist reaches the masses with an already built capital fan base of 10,000+ fans supporting incredible album sales reaching nearly 100,000+ albums sold. 40,000 sold within 4 months of his first release. This Artist is definitely making an entrance. L.B.C. News!


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