Screen Junkies

Joe Starr says Ed Greer is easily this year's breakout #moviefightslive performer! Let us know your favorite Ed quotes in the thread below and be here for the live title match show tomorrow at 4PM Pacific!

vor 5 Jahre | [YT] | 708


All of his fight against Coy on Bugs Bunny surviving the Purge was gold!

vor 5 Jahre | 13  


Ben 10 classic honest trailer please

vor 5 Monaten | 0


Money Heist honest trailer please

vor 3 Jahre | 0


Oh that’s the guy that thinks Tom Holland is the best Spider-Man. 🙄 It’s Tobey Maguire period and there’s nothing you can do to change that!!!

vor 6 Monaten (editiert) | 0


Cucumber is going to be in a pickle tomorrow.

vor 5 Jahre | 20  


Im just happy he is on SJU every Wednesday.

vor 5 Jahre | 12  


"I can't do it.. and you're doing it wrong", is essentially the Internet in a sentence.

vor 5 Jahre | 1



vor 5 Jahre | 12


“Babe is the Eminem of pigs”

vor 5 Jahre | 16  


"disgusting internet behavior" is one of my favorites from recent episodes. Whenever he's on the thing he's great so just happy to see him as often as possible

vor 5 Jahre | 1


“Internet in a nutshell, I can’t do that but you’re doing it wrong!!” this is my fav Ed quote.

vor 5 Jahre | 1


He is a great figther, but im loyal to Dan. Luck to everyone! I hope we are getting an amazing Movie Fight. Hello from México!

vor 5 Jahre | 14  


I'm so mad that I'll miss the live fight today! As much as I've come to love Ed on SJU, Dan needs his belt back! #TeamDan

vor 5 Jahre | 3  


Human alliance against the felted frenemy!

vor 5 Jahre | 1


Cracks me up when he does a Boston or New York accents. Ed is easily my favourite guest on SJU.

vor 5 Jahre | 1


Not from Movie fight but when y’all were talking about the Batman movie mistake around eye makeup and he said “here’s the neighborhood before and... gentrification!”

vor 5 Jahre | 3  


I like Ed on SJU and Movie Fights but he lost the #1 contender match. So it feels weird having him in the title match. But it does not matter how many guys (or Ghais) Dan has to go through, he will have the belt again. All the belts for that matter

vor 5 Jahre | 2


I like Edd, he’s funny and has a contagious laughter. Still, my favorite is Dan!!! 🎉🎉🎉

vor 5 Jahre | 2


"You know what I mean" ;)

vor 5 Jahre | 2


Tips for Ed : you don't need to do anything more than what you already do. You are perfect. Also don't let Dan scowl, disarm him with your charm.

vor 5 Jahre | 1