Farming Simulator

The new 📜 Farming Simulator Magazine 📰 is out!
Issue #5 is jam-packed with mod & tech reviews, interviews with devs and content creators and much much more!

>>… <<

vor 2 Monaten | [YT] | 1,934


Trop bien 😀

vor 2 Monaten | 3


Fs25?quando esce?

vor 2 Monaten | 5


Rip Fs23 😢😢😢😢

vor 2 Monaten | 14



vor 2 Monaten | 1


Instead of releasing a useless magazine , there needs to be more stuff done for FS23 because us people that got it have been waiting for more things to be added , there has been a lot of work done on FS22 and hardly anything added to FS23 which was supposed to get many updates after it was released.

vor 2 Monaten | 8



vor 2 Monaten | 6


here's the farming simulator 22 album

vor 2 Monaten | 0


5000 hours on this game and counting 😅 over 200 videos and tutorials for my channel

vor 2 Monaten | 0


Why does it look like a 5 Yr old's magazine?

vor 2 Monaten | 13


Rest in peace fs 23 for 45€

vor 2 Monaten | 18


Guten Tag. Ich habe ein Update für PC LS 22 bekommen. Dann strlkte ich fest das ich in mein spiel meine Helfer nicht mehr aktivieren konnte. Nun steht jedesmal....Keine Arbeitskräfte verfügbar... Ich hab das Spiel deinstalliert und wieder installiert. Day Problem blieb. Wer könnte mich helfen. LG OLAF

vor 1 Monat | 0


Lo quiero en español de américa latina.

vor 2 Monaten | 0


Giant software you should release the DLC on Thursday it's all to be fixed and I said the release date tomorrow you know the DLC Melissa DLC DLC pack please don't suffer please please on Thursday

vor 2 Monaten | 1


Where is the preview for 25?!!!!

vor 2 Monaten | 0


Farming simulator 25?

vor 2 Monaten | 0


Bela bosta , essas empresas só lança coisas inúteis, em vez melhorar seus jogos em si !!!!

vor 2 Monaten | 1


I understand that there's a trailer for fs25 tomorrow? April 22-22 April 23-23 so April 25-25?

vor 2 Monaten (editiert) | 1


K K K K K K eu me pergunto se essas pessoas jogam o jogo deles!!! pôr favor,tirem um tempo de suas vidas e vão jogar Red Dead Redenption II !! Depois comparem com o jogo dê vcs e dêem o seu feedback comparativo aqui depois!!! franquia Farming prá mim morreu!! Próximo possível jogo vai ter quê ser muito surreal para vcs verem 1 centavo do meu bolso!! Jogo Farming dês do 15 , más quando a empresa deixa de evoluir o seu carro chefe em melhorias significativas para focar só em conteúdo extra e DLC's pagas aí acabou de perder um cliente em potencial!!

vor 2 Monaten | 0


Hey how are you

vor 2 Monaten | 0


Do kids even know how to read ?

vor 2 Monaten | 0