Hay Day

it's time for TRIPLE farm pass points!!!đŸ„ Now in #HayDay

vor 2 Monaten | [YT] | 2,334


also — a lot of tasks were unproportional to others. producing 4 honey pop corn SHOULD NOT be 90 points..

vor 2 Monaten | 64


Points were so low , this is the first time event finish before I reach the last prize 😭😭😭😭😭😭

vor 2 Monaten | 60


I never complain, but after working so hard tirelessly, spending lots of diamonds, plus extra for additional tasks. I still didn't get the hobbit house. Could you include it in our next farm pass?

vor 2 Monaten | 38


can u fix the game so we aren’t given tasks for those events that we literally can’t do. i can’t wake up 5 sanctuary animals in time i only have 3. can’t make some stuff bc don’t have the machine. can’t feed a donkey as i have no donkey. pls fix! couldn’t even get to the end for the first time bc so many tasks i couldn’t do. level 84 pvp only like 3 people made it to the end which is pretty insane.

vor 2 Monaten | 20


Si, deseamos que de oportunidad para reclamar la bodega de raíces ya que faltó poco para reclamar el adorno 😭😭

vor 2 Monaten | 5


I wish I could have finished that one event but hay day didn’t extend it like some of us asked

vor 2 Monaten | 16


Mesmo comprando trĂȘs tarefas, nĂŁo consegui a linda decoração, Ă© a primeira vez que me acontece isso. Estou triste mas se Ă© do jogo... paciĂȘncia. 💙

vor 2 Monaten | 5



vor 2 Monaten | 5


This event was so tiring and sad. Please make the next one easier😭

vor 2 Monaten | 4


Already done we need this in week 2 next season

vor 2 Monaten | 6


Wonderfull ,funny ,excited...đŸ‘ŒđŸ‘đŸ˜‡â€

vor 2 Monaten | 0


Love the spring flower patches💕maybe some different cozy grass patches to buy

vor 2 Monaten | 0


You all should've put the root cellar in with this event farm pass.. ! I'm so upset 😡 yall gave me task on the earth day event that was impossible to do cause I didn't have the machines to do it and the points were to low o stayed at 13,080 needed a bit more to reach the root cellar ! đŸ˜ĄđŸ˜«đŸ˜”đŸŒŽ

vor 2 Monaten | 57


I was the 2nd winner. It was so stressful I spend so much on Diamond and didn’t even sleep. The jams take way to long to make. Also had to skip some because I didn’t have the machines, and those are expensive aswell.

vor 2 Monaten | 3


I cannot complete my derby task of town visitor's as I cannot find the lady in train since yesterday.what is the solution for this

vor 2 Monaten | 4


Queria el adorno del evento 😔 solo me faltaron 400 puntos, en serio estaba muy difícil, las tareas daban pocos puntos y teníamos poco tiempo

vor 2 Monaten | 3


Reading some of the comments and I have to agree. I got the root cellar but it wasn't fun and I didn't even try for any more points after that. The points from one prize to the next was too extreme imo with this one and it did not make the event fun at all. It was a chore not enjoyable. One thing to mention that doesn't have to do with that event is the random things you get with the raffle ticket thingy. I wanted that snow fort so bad but I ended up with 14 snow chickens instead. I love chickens but come on. I think I got 9+ snow machines. Come on people that's crazy. A few of each is fine but not those numbers. And of course no snow fort and then I go to other farms and I see people with 4-5+ snow forts! What's wrong with the algorithm for the program for that? Also the times when you can sell off duplicate decorations is fine but why only the gardening stuff? I want to sell some of the chickens and snow machines but no way to. The option to sell duplicate decorations should be for all the decorations not just for the gardening racks and stuff. Oh one thing I want to add. I needed one wood panel to upgrade my silo storage and I got it this morning in the raffle ticket thingy, but when I clicked on increase storage it still showed that I needed one more wood panel. That's not right. I've noticed this before, not getting items but this was the first time that it was that noticeable. I did manage to get the wood panel harvesting a but later but that's not the point. I know you guys won't do anything about it but thought I'd mention it anyway.

vor 2 Monaten (editiert) | 9


I am very upset because I spent many of my diamonds to catch the earth-day rewards but I couldn’t..the time was short ..points ..and missions were hard ..this is not fair..I reached almost all the required points to get the decoration but failed
.this game to cheer us up not to make us sad..please send me the decoration gift

vor 2 Monaten | 16


Thanks hay day love you I finisht the farm pas!!!

vor 2 Monaten | 0


Never got the last price. I was 100 points away from it. But I got my hobbit hole though. But like always scrolls are the one thing hayday is stingy with. If only we got one more day.

vor 2 Monaten | 2