Ossy Flawol

I’m genuinely left speechless by the response to the documentary on Portal: The Flash Version, everyone who has walked away from the video has had only the kindest things to say to me about it, and I’ve seen nothing but an outpour of love form for the legacy of Portal: The Flash Version.

That is to not even say the amazing responses I’ve gotten from Ido & Hen of WeCreateStuff and Josh Weier, the Lead Developer of Portal 2 & Portal: Still Alive. They all loved it.

And if you haven’t watched it yet? What are you doing!!! Go watch it!!


P.S. If this documentary hits 500k views before the end of the year, I will set it in stone that I will also make one on a similar level of depth for the first Portal game >:)

vor 1 Jahr (editiert) | [YT] | 269


It's because you did an incredible job covering something so many of us played as a kid. Whether the original flash game, the portal mod or the still alive chambers, hearing the backstory and history to that level of depth was super interesting, and you did it in a really entertaining way

vor 1 Jahr (editiert) | 21  


I have loved all your videos so much, but this was one of my favorite videos ever! Thank you for being one of the only people to talk about these topics!

vor 1 Jahr | 4


That went awesome seeing these two devs for your video!

vor 1 Jahr | 0


I had listened to the video while I was at work and I had learnt a lot about a game franchise that I love. I had gone and played the flash game to some amount but never knew the history let alone the impact it had on portal 2 the game I started with. Thank you so much for the amazing view and content

vor 1 Jahr | 0


You deserve the praise, Good work!

vor 1 Jahr | 0


What are you planning to make or feature in your next video?

vor 1 Jahr | 0