
We made our lil logo into a real thing. Meet Ollie 🎊 For a limited time only you can purchase him here ->

vor 7 Monaten (editiert) | [YT] | 8,996


Plushies are sold out as of right now! We have another batch coming in about a week and will post again once available. Shipping to countries outside of the US will also be fixed :face-blue-smiling:

vor 7 Monaten (editiert) | 47


Can you eat the Logo

vor 7 Monaten | 496


Looks like a great companion piece to the Toast plush

vor 7 Monaten | 69



vor 7 Monaten | 59


scarra looking crazy cute here!

vor 7 Monaten | 28


Why does Scarra look like a kid on Christmas morning in that first pick

vor 7 Monaten | 13


I'm surprised this is just now becoming a thing, you'd think it'd be like the first thing you'd do with the cute logo

vor 7 Monaten | 14


Do we get Scarra too? 🤔

vor 7 Monaten | 10



vor 7 Monaten | 5


For a sec, I thought you could actually put stuff inside the tv plushie lol.

vor 7 Monaten | 4


Scarra got a crazy watch

vor 7 Monaten | 0


lil bro is chilling on the couch 😊

vor 7 Monaten | 1


omg adorable

vor 7 Monaten | 0


Bruh the name of my cat is ollie:0 This is sick.

vor 7 Monaten | 0


First one doesn't do the plug any favors. Still coppin it tho😍

vor 7 Monaten | 0


i waaaaaant 😍❤️

vor 7 Monaten | 0



vor 7 Monaten | 0


I always wondered what the logos name was lol

vor 7 Monaten | 1



vor 7 Monaten | 0


ahhhh i neeeddd!!!

vor 7 Monaten | 0