Ossy Flawol

Hi, uh, WOW.

*30,000 subscribers* sure is a milestone to suddenly get while in the midst of my little hiatus/break from video production (Mainly for mental health purposes, don't worry I'm fine!), I'm sorry to report I did not have a milestone video lined up because I genuinely hadn't been checking on those statistics for the past few months.

For the record:

- I am back at college for this year, my video production is going to be affected by this! By how much we'll see.

- I am officially coming out to say my Portal RTX review video, after a tumultuous full year of development hell, is cancelled. The time to make it has long passed and I felt that after *7* video script iterations, I was unhappy with the video at every turn. There will be a video at some point in the future detailing more about the 'why' and how that video production made me learn a lot about myself as a person and my videos.

- There is a new video in production. It is long-form. It is insane. It is a video only I would ever make. And to give a hint..? Well. It's pretty *concrete.*

vor 4 Monaten (editiert) | [YT] | 246


An explanation on how portals textures are genius

vor 4 Monaten | 12


30k is only a begining. And i cant wait for video about concrete.

vor 4 Monaten | 20


awwww, thats a shame. wouldve loved to see the video considering the topic. regardless, congrats on the milestone and im still hyped for what you will do in the future!

vor 4 Monaten | 6


plot twist: this is a stealth announcement for a channel pivot to concrete and civil engineering content

vor 4 Monaten | 4


Is this man really about to make a video about all the walls at Aperture Labs or something??? Because ngl that would be WILD

vor 4 Monaten | 5


Can we see the Blahaj more?

vor 4 Monaten | 9  


I think the next video will be about "which surfaces are portable?" Because from Portal 2 we know that moon rocks are a great portal conductors, but in my opinion not necessarily the only one. Unless some other lore reason, humanity didn't reach the moon in 1950s, yet portal devices were already available. It seems that concrete can be a good portal conductor. Another thing is that in Old Aperture only a few portable surfaces are available, with mainly steel and wood in the testing spheres. Given that they are suspended between the rocks, they had to be lightweight so too much concrete was not affordable. But if concrete is correct, then why only white paint is portable?

vor 4 Monaten | 2


I love your content sm!!!

vor 4 Monaten | 1


they're gonna make a video finding the location of which sidewalk was used to make the panel textures congrats on 30k

vor 4 Monaten | 1


Nice pfp remake

vor 2 Monaten | 0


I always end up at this channel in some way or another, but for some reason I haven't subscribed yet.

vor 2 Monaten | 1


Gonna be tough work fitting the sheer height of the concrete family tree into a 16:9 video...

vor 4 Monaten | 2


an analysis on the portal walls hell yeah

vor 4 Monaten | 1


I had a video idea: Koumei Satou? the guy who made mistake of pythagoras? They made a portal mod

vor 4 Monaten | 1


i don't have concrete evidence, but i am sure the vid rocks

vor 4 Monaten | 1


Concrete wall made out of the moon

vor 4 Monaten | 1


a video about how moon-rock isn't the only portal conductor?

vor 3 Monaten | 1



vor 4 Monaten | 1