Who will secure the top spot? 📈
The LEC Summer standings ahead of the final week of the regular season!

vor 3 Wochen | [YT] | 779


FNC will still play BDS, right? Whoever wins that, will probably get the top spot. GL FNC!

vor 3 Wochen | 73


we need to get some mental support to the arena for the poor MDK fans who still follow this tragedy of a summer performance

vor 3 Wochen (editiert) | 49



vor 3 Wochen | 13


Honestly nice to see SK and BDS establish themselves as some of our top teams for a while now, and not just having one good split/season. We need more competition for top spots.

vor 2 Wochen | 3


BDS time to go to world

vor 3 Wochen | 9


Man oh man Elyoya's gotta wake up to some hard truths

vor 3 Wochen | 12

Giving me Spring Split flashbacks when Fnatic lost Yet and they still secured 1st place.

vor 3 Wochen | 2


Lets Go sk.

vor 3 Wochen | 36


So the 4 teams going to worlds(most probably) are g2, fnc, sk and bds.

vor 3 Wochen | 5


Whoa KC actually got a couple wins? Maybe Upset will be less ... upset now

vor 3 Wochen | 7


G2 world champion 2024 !

vor 2 Wochen | 1


It uses head to head for anything except for ties determining 8th seed so likely scenarios are fnatic if they win both games and sk if bds beats fnatic.

vor 3 Wochen | 0


KOI curse

vor 3 Wochen | 10


Deft > Supa

vor 3 Wochen | 12



vor 2 Wochen | 0



vor 3 Wochen | 1


In order to be one of the best EUROPEAN teams you gotta import two people from ASIA. Make sense 😂😂

vor 2 Wochen | 1


I feel bad for elyoya. From one of the best junglers in one of the best teams down to this.

vor 2 Wochen | 0


Jajajajajaja koi road to be like kc 1-8

vor 3 Wochen | 2


Ez arcanas

vor 3 Wochen | 1