The Wall Street Journal

How Ukraine’s naval drones turned the tide in the battle of the Black Sea:

Photo: Emanuele Satolli for WSJ

vor 3 Wochen | [YT] | 478


A rare positive story about Ukraine in the US media!

vor 3 Wochen | 5


Factually tide was turned

vor 3 Wochen | 22


How houthis humbled the world's powerful navy.

vor 3 Wochen | 35


Slava Houthis

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Ukraine naval drones or UK naval drones. Soon they’ll say Ukraine storm shadow

vor 3 Wochen | 7


Houthis already got the tech and they are in mass production...

vor 3 Wochen | 6


How bout da BEACH 💣💣💣?

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What tide was turned? The transport ships weren’t vital.

vor 3 Wochen | 8


Why not have an honest tagline? Something like: American Military Tech Spanks the Russkies. Again.

vor 3 Wochen | 3


People who are calling this sea baby drones as US or UK drones are just foolish 😑. This drones are developed by Ukraine but that doesn't mean the US or the UK have not sent their own versions of it to Ukraine but mostly they used the sea baby

vor 3 Wochen | 1


???? Is this the narrative? Wow

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Correction : american sea drone 😊

vor 3 Wochen | 6


It's a land war. This is just extra junk the Brits had around when Ukraine needed tanks.

vor 3 Wochen | 9


The Black Sea. The Nile River.

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You're welcome

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The same weapon is waiting for the US navy in the Red Sea 🌊

vor 3 Wochen | 0


"Battle of the Black Sea"??? OMG how dramatic. Remember the big Krinky Amphibious Assault several months ago that was supposed to be AFU's "D-Day"? All the British-trained marines were supposed to make the SAS look good? The US/UK so desperately want to make their little CIA operation matter; like a guy who is a "5" continually asking out the woman who is a "10", their repeated efforts are just pathetic.

vor 3 Wochen | 3


I mean russia saves the crimean but lost sevastopol navy basis

vor 3 Wochen | 0


ایران شیر خورشید 👑💖👑💖👑💖👑💖👑👑👑👑👑

vor 3 Wochen | 0


The same tactic can be used to hit usa aircraft carriers which mess around in south china sea.

vor 3 Wochen | 0