Sony Pictures Entertainment

If you could have a magical creature as a pet, what would it be?
#HaroldandthePurpleCrayon ✍️

vor 1 Monat | [YT] | 1,884


A goose that lays real solid gold eggs.

vor 1 Monat | 521


A flying crocodile that only eats Sony executives voiced by Fran Drescher.

vor 1 Monat | 84


Nicolas Cage voicing a whale

vor 1 Monat | 125


I have often day dreamed of a tiny dragon I could speak to. I loved Mulan as a kid, so that's probably where the idea came from.

vor 1 Monat | 22


Dr. Stranges cape. No explanation needed.

vor 1 Monat | 43


If How to Train Your Dragons taught us anything, it's dragons are awesome & act like house cats with attitude if you treat them right.

vor 1 Monat | 40


A cat that spoke with Sean Connery's voice: "Yesh, Id love a shnack."

vor 1 Monat | 10


I died reading Nessie as one of the choices 💀😂😂😂😂

vor 1 Monat (editiert) | 11


DRAGON! Imagine flying on it and reclaiming your throne ;)

vor 1 Monat | 7


The venom horse😂🤘🏾

vor 1 Monat | 26


"And what do dragons eat anways?" "whatever they want"

vor 1 Monat (editiert) | 3


Just give us Raimi’s Spider-Man 4 and TASM3 for Christ’s sake

vor 1 Monat | 23


A squirrel that’s 200 times smarter than Einstein and makes the best pancakes in the world

vor 1 Monat | 7


imagine how much gas money you'd save if u had a dragon

vor 1 Monat | 6


Not as a pet but as a best friend i need me a sassy the sasquatch 🤣 Iykyk

vor 1 Monat | 2


A giant sheep that can breath fire and has the fluffiest fluff ever. It also can increase and decrease its fluff size and has cool horns.

vor 4 Wochen | 1


Cthulhu because he is one of the strongest beings in existence and he looks cool to me.🦑🦇

vor 1 Monat (editiert) | 4


A symbiote

vor 1 Monat (editiert) | 27


i mean, depends on the iritation, i would take a Unicorn, since in some folklores he can teleport himself and whoever he wants .

vor 1 Monat | 1


Not so much a pet, but Genie from Disney’s Aladdin. I could get two awesome wishes he wouldn’t intentionally screw with, use my third to wish him free and get a lifelong friend unlike any other.

vor 1 Monat | 2