Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell

The new ✨LIMITED EDITION PIN ✨ is available for pre-order!
There are only 48 hours left before it vanishes into the darkness:

This limited pin embodies the philosophy of kurzgesagt. With one half representing life and the other inevitable death, this ✨glittering pin set✨ is the perfect Optimistic Nihilism statement. Wear this pin as a reminder to make the most of your precious time on Earth. We will too. 🦆

Like life and the universe itself, this pin’s existence is fleeting:
Pre-order available until Friday 14.06. 4pm CEST / 10am EDT – and then never again.

vor 3 Wochen (editiert) | [YT] | 5,573


Lot of pessimistic nihilists in here giving up at 404 error 😹

vor 3 Wochen | 126


I thought for a second that you guys were selling cards or smth. Now I want a card game based off kurzgesagt videos ;-;

vor 3 Wochen | 78


Would Death's speech at the end of The Hogfather be an example of optimistic nihilism?

vor 3 Wochen | 17


This captures the “In this moment, I am euphoric…” mindset pretty squarely 😅

vor 3 Wochen | 5


Ah yes, existential dread collection. My favourite!

vor 3 Wochen | 5


Ironically, as an optimistic nihilist I do not want this pin.

vor 3 Wochen | 420


I NEED IT!!! Also great work making it

vor 2 Wochen | 0


They should make a card game. Such unique art. I know some of these mfs are into board games. I can feel it in my bones.

vor 3 Wochen | 3


For anyone having trouble with the link, just click on the link, then click on the Kurzgesagt home logo. And voilá, it’s on the homepage as well

vor 3 Wochen | 8


Kurzgesagt merch is looking fire 🔥🔥🔥

vor 3 Wochen | 2


There is an error in the link. It redirects to "optimistic-nihi.." instead of "optimistic-nihilism"

vor 3 Wochen | 23


404, we couldn't find what you're looking for! Let us help you find it. Click here to go back to the shop. This is what the link said.

vor 3 Wochen | 11


The link leads to nihil

vor 3 Wochen | 5


The link doesn't work for me, is that just a me thing?

vor 3 Wochen | 39


If the link doesnt work go to the homepage of them

vor 3 Wochen | 2


That’s modern art. That’s such an awesome thing to do

vor 1 Woche | 0


Aight someone correct me: isn't that just existentialism? Like optimistic nihilism is just existentialism right? Am I crazy?

vor 3 Wochen | 9


Ngl 20+ euros for two halfs of a pin is a bit expensive

vor 3 Wochen | 34


sigh... totally missed this post and now my set will always be incomplete

vor 3 Wochen | 0


I learned the term optimistic nihilist from the bio description of one of my favourite artists, DROELOE.

vor 3 Wochen | 0