This week @MacCLol and @MadLadPad join @DanielDrakos and @DagdaCasts on EUphoria!

We want to hear from YOU: Who do you think will miss playoffs this #LEC Summer?

vor 3 Wochen (editiert) | [YT] | 169


Mac and Pad, hello, longtime fan first time commenter -- how in the world do you figure out in VOD review which hyli plays are 5head and which are straight int? The knifes edge is molecularly thin.

vor 2 Wochen | 13


Whats with vit always throwing during mid game

vor 3 Wochen | 11


Glad to see azzapp make an appearance

vor 2 Wochen | 2


Who Do Vitality want to face in a tiebreaker and why isnt it TH?

vor 2 Wochen | 2


How do you think that this year‘s results are gonna implicate the Mac/pad project long term? Is it possible to build a long lasting system or not?

vor 3 Wochen | 1


I think mad is not making it... You can see they lose everything in mid game and their drafts dont help it either. Second guess would be TH just because schedule they yet to have (FNC)

vor 3 Wochen | 2


MDK are probably screwed as they only need to mess one game up and they are done but i think we will have our face off of the season with rogue vs GX (good news VIT you might be alright even though you may have had your worst performance so far all season)

vor 3 Wochen | 1


I believe in Vitality. VIT has good early games and Carzzy can be a late game threat if they get there. Rogue and Mad Lions are still by far the weakest teams. Neither of them have any identity except INT at all stages of the game.

vor 3 Wochen | 1


what do you make of elyoya and his project in mdk?

vor 2 Wochen | 0


It's a bye bye for MDK, and It hurts to say this, but also for Heretics; as they are about to face some of their toughest matches this weekend.

vor 2 Wochen | 0


G2 Coaching Stuff WHENNNNN????

vor 3 Wochen | 0


Why did that kick out Daglas, when he's better at carrying than Lyncas?

vor 3 Wochen | 0


Ask them the best way to create space.

vor 3 Wochen | 0


MDK and TH / GX will miss playoffs. Also please ask Mac and Pad what issues they are dealing with in order to get to Worlds because I want Hylli Pyke in worlds

vor 3 Wochen | 0


Why not use selfmade? He was good back then wasn't he?

vor 3 Wochen | 0


Ugh why

vor 3 Wochen | 0