Marvel Entertainment

Which of these codenames has Carol Danvers used?

vor 1 Monat | [YT] | 9,319


Wherever 'all of these' options is there,I feel some relief 😊

vor 1 Monat | 339


Didn't know Ace, but the other two options were definites, so made the choice easier. 😎 Also, Princess Sparklefists! 😁

vor 1 Monat | 156


She has also gone by Ms. Marvel, Captain Marvel, Lady Marvel, Cheeseburger, Cathrine Donovan, The Boss of Space, Corporal Marvel, Supreme Accuser, and Car-Ell. And only 1 of those was an alternate multiverse version of her (although another one was same her in an alternate reality, and another one was first used in an alternate reality before later being used in the main one, which is a different thing from a different universe in the multiverse).

vor 1 Monat | 40


When has “all of the above” been anything but a guaranteed answer?

vor 1 Monat | 16


I got it right! Now, who is Carol Danvers?

vor 1 Monat | 247


I already knew of Warbird & Binary but Ace is new to me so the answer obviously had to be all of the above

vor 1 Monat | 18


I feel proud of myself that I got it right

vor 1 Monat | 60


Huh thought I was well versed in comic knowledge....didn't know about "Ace" though (I still prefer her as Warbird)

vor 1 Monat | 7


There are so many reactionary MCU tourists in this comment section who have never read a comic in their life

vor 1 Monat | 42


Miss Marvel the first one to use that codename I believe

vor 1 Monat | 7


I'd like to see Carol bring Binary to life like she did in the recent comics where she was just a being made from her energy. I hope we get to see something like that in the next Captain Marvel movie!

vor 1 Monat | 1


I readed the comics and there Carol Danvers used the Codenames „warbird“ and, after the attack from rogue, the name „Binary“.

vor 4 Wochen | 2


Shame on you for not including her pilot codename from the comics.... ... ... ... ..... Cheeseburgers.

vor 1 Monat (editiert) | 34


Am I the only one that read codenames as condoms?😭

vor 1 Monat | 4


Trying to scroll past and accidentally pick the right option... "I seem to have gotten away with something here" nailed it...

vor 1 Monat | 1


Turned her back into Ms. Marvel

vor 1 Monat | 2


When was she called Ace?

vor 1 Monat | 3


My Wife 😩🙏🏼❤️‍🔥

vor 1 Monat | 13


Right after I chose Binary, I saw like, “Shoot! It’s all of them!”

vor 1 Monat (editiert) | 2


Gotta love how school prepared for when I don’t know what the heck it’s talking about just pick all of the above

vor 1 Monat | 0