Arthur: Ease Your Mind

I will be with Linda G on my channel on Monday, July 1st (Recorded), filling in for Mel. Please post Political-World Event questions below. Thanks! ❤️

vor 6 Tage | [YT] | 324


When will people start protesting the Supreme Court!😀😄😆

vor 6 Tage | 8


Hi Arthur! Will the recent Supreme Court decision on the Chevron Doctorine and legalizing Bribes be overturned? Both of these Supreme Court decisions are so dangerous to our country!

vor 6 Tage | 10


Far-right party is leading in France. Is the far-right ideology spreading in Western Europe? Is Macron out? How will this impact the U.S.?

vor 6 Tage | 4


Will Citizens United be revisited and legislation passed which would reverse that decision?

vor 6 Tage | 3


The Supreme Court overturned the Chevron ruling. Do you see this being reversed at all?

vor 6 Tage | 4


Do we get punished in this life for bad behavior in past lives?

vor 6 Tage | 3


Over the weekend a friend called from Arizona asking me if I thought Biden had been drugged before the debate. It never occurred to me but I thought I would ask. Love you both.

vor 5 Tage | 1


This is general but I'm curious to know how do the children of SCOTUS and GOP feel about their parent's behavior? xo

vor 5 Tage | 2


Will scotus decisions be reversed? How will that come about? Thanks and❤️ to Linda and Arthur❤️

vor 6 Tage (editiert) | 2


People who say they're going to vote for Trump are they just really scared to say that they're actually going to vote for Biden!😁😃😄

vor 6 Tage | 1


Linda has often said Roberts will be leaving SCOTUS. Will the next chief justice be a woman? Maybe Elena kagan?

vor 6 Tage | 0


Will our legislators ever enforce the constitutional Article III section 2 which states that they have power over SCOTUS? An article 0n June 28, 2024 on The Hartman Report titled "SCOTUS was never meant to kings and queens".Explains this.

vor 6 Tage | 0


How will Maga and Republicans feel and react to when they lose the election and lose so many seats in November!🙂😉

vor 6 Tage | 1


Will there be another debate from now to the election so Biden can get a chance to prove himself when he's not sick?

vor 5 Tage | 1


What will be the effect of the Supreme Court decision on immunity

vor 6 Tage | 2


What will happen in France? Will LePen win? She just won the first round with gigantic numbers that surpasses two of the left combined. Will France turn far-right? Same thing is happening in Germany.

vor 6 Tage (editiert) | 1


What will happen now with the Supreme Court going for Trump on immunity ! Is Jack Smith done??

vor 5 Tage | 0


Greetings Linda and Arthur, Question: Last week the Trump plane and a Russian dignitary’s plane were parked side by side for two days. Was there an exchange of top secret documents and/or some nefarious plan concerning our Nov election?

vor 6 Tage | 2


Hi Arthur and Linda, how do you see the political landscape for South Africa the next 4 years? The previous goverment has been forced into a coalition with the opposition and smaller parties. How will the GNU (Government of National Unity) pan out

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