Asmongold TV

Announcement Today

1 pm CT


vor 2 Jahre | [YT] | 3,587


Asmon’s going to shave his eyebrows! But then how will he communicate with us?

vor 2 Jahre (editiert) | 228


until he finds a second job to pay for diablo he is just Asmonsilver now

vor 2 Jahre | 606


110k spent. Max level Barb unlocked. There it is boys. There it is dood.

vor 2 Jahre | 251


He’s going to announce Bald Online the new MMO him and OTK have been secretly working on.

vor 2 Jahre | 153


Asmon is announcing he's now a Minecraft streamer.

vor 2 Jahre | 41


He finally had a shower.

vor 2 Jahre | 23


Return to FFXIV for story? Naa who am , i kidding prob going to drop another 10k on Diablo

vor 2 Jahre | 12


It's the announcement for the first OTK games expo.

vor 2 Jahre (editiert) | 15


I knew it He’s finally playing Genshin Impact

vor 2 Jahre | 35


I figured it was only a matter of time. He's finally going to announce his secret relationship and engagement to Y’shtola.😻

vor 2 Jahre | 39


I knew it, he'll no longer drink Dr Pepper but 7up now

vor 2 Jahre | 23


NFT, Crypto and Gamba partnership to support his Barbarian in Diabo Immoral

vor 2 Jahre | 8


Thank you for encouraging me to waste money on diablo immortal. Could not have done it without you modern day jesus

vor 2 Jahre | 5


My man you look like the pothead gun-carrying dude in a robe with a tank top and boxers on in a low budget hollywood horror parody and I love it

vor 1 Jahr | 0


He is announcing his bankruptcy after funnelling his life savings into Diablo immoral

vor 2 Jahre | 6


Too much backlash for Diablo Immortal bad decisions, taking a break, calling it now

vor 2 Jahre | 6


I have no idea why this was recommended to me 2 years later, but now im curious, i wonder what happened this day

vor 2 Wochen | 2


Calling it now. His getting a hair transplant 😂

vor 2 Jahre (editiert) | 4


Asmongold taking an extended break to think about the future of his channel now that he doesn't enjoy playing video games

vor 2 Jahre | 42


I know damn well it aint FFXIV. Expectations set to the lowest here.

vor 2 Jahre | 17