Arthur: Ease Your Mind

Since Mel is traveling, I'll be posting a solo show on Tuesday, June 25th, en lieu of Aloha Tuesday. Please post your burning Political/World event questions below. Thanks!

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I love your solo shows.

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Any word on President Carter?

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Hi Arthur love your show, When Jerry Brown left office, he passed a bill to increase gas and DMV registration to support infrastructure, however many people are not happy with Newsom. Do you see Gov Newsom removing Brown's old bill, including lower car insurance and raises taxes on alcohol, tobacco, and guns instead. What do you're see for California.

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Linda G has said that she sees chief justice John Roberts leaving the court soonish. Do either of you see if the next chief justice might be a woman?

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Hi Arthur love you and Linda. Will Alabama ever get rid of Sen Tommy Tubberville? Thank you love and light

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Hi Arthur! I was just wondering if there would be a Supreme Court seat come open in late October that might be used to try to motivate conservative voters to vote. I've heard some psychics seeing an opening in late October, which is weird, because their term starts the first Monday in October. If that scenario comes true, it would need to be a sudden health issue, or could someone wait to leave in October to create an issue for the election. Because if it's late enough, Biden wouldn't have time to push one through. Just wondering if that would be a hail mary attempt to motivate conservatives. I actually think that might motivate progressives more, but what do you think about it?

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Such a relief #solo

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Hi Awesome Arthur, I would love to live somewhere coastal in northern CA - such as Mendocino or Santa Cruz. With global warming and waters rising worldwide I worry a coastal move, might not be the best idea. Any suggestions appreciated.

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Hello Arthur, as always enjoying your show. QUESTION: 1) In 2025 will the Democrats have enough of a majority in both the House and Senate, to remove/revise the filibuster rules? 2) I am a bit worried about Project 2025. The far right conservatives, have been working for decades on taking the country back to only rich white men have any power / authority. What do you see for their future? Sorry for being a question hog, but do you think Louisiana's Ten Commandments mandate, will be upheld in a Court challenge. Thanks so much..

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Hi Arthur! Do you see Lauren Bobert winning her new House seat? Or, do you see a Democrat winning that seat this November? 😊

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Will Jack Smith be able to start the Jan. 6 case before the election so the public can be educated on the evidence and facts of the case? Thanks for sharing your sense of humor and giving us some peace of mind in these stressful times. 🙂

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Looking forward to your show !!

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The debate is scheduled for Thursday. Will whatever happens ( Trump absent/ Trump tantrums and walks off / Trump incoherent word salad) make a difference in public's view of the candidates?

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Are there any candidates where our donations would make a difference?

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Hello, Sir Arthur😊 Is there still energy surrounding Desatan being Gone from Florida by the end of this year? (He's allowing people to kill bears now)

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Hey Arthur, first time questioner! My retirement money along with 64000 other people has been frozen by an illegal stock halt by regulators in collusion with brokers who didn't want to pay out. Even Congress is involved. Will we ever get our money, or will they get away with it. Thanks.

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The Judge in the Nevada fake electors case dismissed the charges because she said they brought the charges in the wrong district. Prosecutors have said they will immediately appeal to the State Supreme Court. The time to try them is running out. What do you see as the outcome for this case?

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Hi Arthur. You ROCK! Temecula has 4 (out if 5) school board seats open in the upcoming November election. Will 4 moderates be voted in or will we get more seats fill with the Christian Nationalist candidates? Sending you hugs!!!!

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Hi Arthur, love you and i am grateful for you and your gifts. Can you read on Kash Patel, who is he, where did he come from and what is his role with trump?

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