
Hey Everyone. MrTechnodad here. I'm about to go exploring SMP world for the first time with Techno's friend, TommyInnit. The Dream SMP was a huge part of Techno's life, and something I never got to experience firsthand. So today I'm going to re-live it & learn more about it, as Tommy shows me round the world.

vor 6 Monaten | [YT] | 493,485


I hope you love it as much as we all did. Techno’s base is INCREDIBLE!

vor 6 Monaten | 5,700


Sir, your son was an amazing man and part of many people’s childhoods. He built an empire. A world most can only imagine to build. I really hope you’re doing alright. We all miss Techno, but we cannot imagine the pain you went through. I hope you have as much fun exploring the SMP as we did watching him create it

vor 6 Monaten | 3,400


Thank you for honoring his legacy in such a kind way, I know that all of us appreciate it massively. I hope you enjoy your tour 🤍

vor 6 Monaten | 188


Спасибо за сохранение наследия Техно

vor 6 Monaten | 253


A man doesn’t die when they pass from cancer, they die when they’ve been forgotten. The fact that you and this community carries on his memory is proof that Technoblade never dies.

vor 6 Monaten | 1,100


The fact that you respect everything that your son did so much, makes us all very happy, ya know? Keeping his legacy alive makes each and every one of us happy on a whole other level, and it’s nice to see supportive parents.

vor 6 Monaten | 6,500


People who came back to techno for the best memories 👇

vor 2 Monaten | 50



vor 5 Monaten | 71


Hope you have a amazing time! Even the tiny bits are important to Techno, so have fun and remember.. Technoblade never dies! Edit: this thing has been up for seven hours how have I gotten 1k likes already-

vor 6 Monaten (editiert) | 1,500


His legacy will never die, long live the king

vor 6 Monaten | 5,500


I never cared for Dream SMP, but you make me want to look more into it. I respect you a lot for honoring your son and raising him to be the man he was

vor 6 Monaten | 14


Simply awesome

vor 6 Monaten | 97


Real talk, I appreciate you honoring your son's memory like this. And Im grateful the community does too. Technoblade never dies o7

vor 6 Monaten | 51,000


This man didn't hesitate to adopt an entire fan base whilst dealing with something no parent should have too—burying their child. I think that it's so noble and so selfless of this man to honor his sons career after he died. If it were anyone else, I have a feeling that this channel would've just become obsolete. I guess what I'm trying to say is thank you. Thank you for raising a son who taught so many to stand up for themselves and then coming around after the fact to help all of us heal and move forwards.

vor 6 Monaten | 2,400


"Nah, Techno's heart is too big for heaven. He should become an angel." -Sun Tzu, Technoblade Never Dies

vor 4 Monaten (editiert) | 6


Thank you for continuing the King's tradition. I look forward to watching it.

vor 6 Monaten | 6


Sir, your son did more for the world than most ever will, even with his time cut short. You are an amazing soul to respect this community and what he built. I hope to god that you find solace in knowing how many people he touched in his life.

vor 6 Monaten | 2,200


TechnoBlade was one of the few youtubers I constantly went back to when I needed a friend, thank you so much for keeping his legacy alive TechnoDad, it means a lot to so many people Edit: Tysm for all the likes! and yes I do actually have friends, I was referring to a point in life where we had moved and I didn't know anyone in my area

vor 6 Monaten (editiert) | 2,200


Technodad will carry his memory of his son onto the opponents island and break their bed. You rock TECHNOBLADE NEVER DIES

vor 5 Monaten (editiert) | 5


You are so kind for your son for continuing his legacy

vor 6 Monaten | 1