Blacktail Studio

My latest build video with what was probably my favorite epoxy table to date. A bit of a story behind it as well. Oh, and it’s for sale too…

vor 7 Monaten | [YT] | 1,810


I personally love the base, I think it’s the coolest & I like it with the round table top💯

vor 7 Monaten | 13


I love the top and I love the base, I’m not sure if I love them together.

vor 7 Monaten | 147


You are one heck of a craftsman I really appreciate your videos

vor 7 Monaten | 6  


I know some comments say they don’t like the base but I think it’s what really sets it off and makes it different from other round table tops.

vor 7 Monaten | 6


Gorgeous all the way around. I love the base. Awesome work

vor 7 Monaten | 0


Love the build.....I remember when trapped moisture was discovered when the top was nearly finished. Never underestimate a bad fail....turned out to be a diamond in the rough.

vor 7 Monaten | 1


Well done! I love the base contrasting with the round top. 👏🏻👏🏻

vor 7 Monaten | 3


Watching you build the base was incredible!

vor 7 Monaten | 0


BEAUTIFUL 🤩 (words can’t describe the beauty)

vor 7 Monaten | 1  


This is a type of build that will grow o a person. The reds in the base will show more and more with the hints in the top.well done.

vor 7 Monaten | 0


Dear Mr Blacktail. You are an inspiration. Like you used to, I work in healthcare and have recently begun my journey to making woodworking a side hustle and maybe one day a full time career. Thank you for your videos, they are eye opening and your products are always envy inducing. Thanks for sharing!

vor 5 Monaten | 0


Your work calms me. So lovely.

vor 7 Monaten | 0


Base looks like a fun build, Nicely done as always. Masonic vibes too it tho, that or like ancient Egyptian vibes

vor 7 Monaten | 1


People can stop playing this whole table is awesome 👌 good job man wish you were on the east coast 👍

vor 6 Monaten | 0


Love that top. Came out nice. The base is also nice but I dislike it with the top. The color, the design, it just doesn't flow for me at all. To me, it looks like you put the top on a nice base you had laying around. Instead of building a custom one based on the design of the top. Which I'd guess isn't the case. Just the initial vibe I get. Lookin' forward to the next one.

vor 7 Monaten | 9


Very nice. You have an artist’s eye. The drift you got on your bandsaw was from either a dull blade, or under tensioning the blade, or both. Your sleds for feeding the stock were well thought out. I always seem to learn from watching you. Thanks for sharing.

vor 6 Monaten (editiert) | 0


That is an insanely beautiful piece.

vor 7 Monaten | 2


That table is gorgeous

vor 7 Monaten | 1  



vor 7 Monaten | 0


Cam, The table is gorgeous as is period. If everyone liked the same thing life would be boring. Anyone being rude about it is never right. I love your work. You are a true artist and go above and beyond to explain your thought process as you go. Keep your art true to you. They will always sell. X

vor 7 Monaten | 13