
Brand spankin new video content has just been submitted for your approval, make sure to check it out!

vor 2 Wochen | [YT] | 3,661


Here it tis, my liege

vor 2 Wochen (editiert) | 24


New victim just dropped

vor 2 Wochen | 83  


Hey! Loved the new video, just one quick minor question, I got the Blue Jay plushy and suddenly people in my town began disappearing, we have lost over 200 people and the number keeps climbing, also the plushy kept watching me and even now it is looking at me with glowing red eyes as if it wants to eat my soul s-

vor 2 Wochen | 237  


Love it. Never quit. RIP Mango.

vor 2 Wochen (editiert) | 26


Yarrr!! Another fine video, Captain! Also RIP Mango ❤️

vor 2 Wochen | 7


Oh yeah, 21 phased-plasma cannon salute from the Decepticon Army for good girl Mango, we love the doggos in this 'con's Army.

vor 2 Wochen | 5


I approve. I'm now a pirate king so I can say arrr sorry for your loss. Without being piratist.

vor 2 Wochen | 3


During the War of 1812, one of my ancestors was blockaded by the British, so he couldn't see his new bride. This kept them apart for the duration of the war, so he was kinda pissed. I wonder if that's why they called him, "Wild Charlie Stewart".

vor 2 Wochen | 2


RIP Mango. You were the bestest.

vor 2 Wochen | 1


Hello RedJay

vor 2 Wochen | 8


If you don't increase upload schedule I'll have to gut my bluejay plushie daily. I'll fix him up at night and have an eagle eat it's liver every morning on a cliff in the caucasus

vor 2 Wochen | 3


Sorry for your loss. It hurts to lose family, R.I.P.

vor 2 Wochen | 0


Wonderful video, as always... And I'm very sorry to hear about Mango. We lost our family dog earlier this year due to complications after surgery, so I understand how difficult this must be for you. Sending many hugs your way, BlueJay!!

vor 2 Wochen | 0


Mmmmmm fresh heart

vor 2 Wochen | 3


New subscriber, you got a cool nest here (looks around, slips a 'Lego BlueJay' on a shelf, walks away casually as it Transforms), can't wait to see what's next!!!

vor 2 Wochen | 0


Sorry to hear about Mango. I hope you’re doing okay.

vor 2 Wochen | 2


Good video dude. Glad Alex finally escaped

vor 2 Wochen | 0


new pirate tactics dropped 🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵

vor 2 Wochen | 0


I already watched and shared it..

vor 2 Wochen | 1


Ww1 would go insane.

vor 2 Wochen | 0