
Logan Paul called me, apologized, said he’s dropping the lawsuit threats, deleting the “rash” response videos and will be “taking accountability, apologizing, and coming forward with a plan”.

vor 1 Jahr | [YT] | 149,361


He realized the one thing he thought he had on you, "illegally" recording his manager, was wrong and then immediately backpeddled into full "I've made a severe and continuous lapse of judgement" mode lol

vor 1 Jahr | 32,000


It wasn’t a “rash decision”. He had over a week to formulate those response videos. That is how he really feels. This is just damage control due to the overwhelming negative response.

vor 1 Jahr | 10,000


The discovery phase of the trial would have hurt Logan way more than it would have helped him - he would have had to lay everything bare eventually incriminating himself much more than currently thought possible. Him acting nice = "I lost, please don't hurt me"

vor 1 Jahr (editiert) | 325


He didn't stop the lawsuit because he is a nice guy. He stopped it because he didn't have a case.

vor 1 Jahr | 55,000


He dropped the suit because his lawyers told him he doesn't have a leg to stand on, and that it would hurt his image even more. Great job Coffee!

vor 1 Jahr | 3,800


I love how you didn't even have to make a response to his response video before Logan decided to back down. You're mentally dominating him.

vor 1 Jahr | 1,700


He hasn't changed, hes just gotten better at hiding his true nature. He's still the guy in the Japanese woods.

vor 1 Jahr | 160


Coffeezilla, please keep up the good work, recently found your videos and you have a balanced reporting style which is sadly lacking in many mainstream journalists. Keep up the good work and look forward to seeing your next series.

vor 1 Jahr | 52


The dude made an entire podcast episode showing how he really feels. This is just due to the backlash

vor 1 Jahr | 5,400


He’s not sorry. He’s saving his ass. His response was not rash, it was carefully timed, planned out and thought through- he made a whole episode around it with notes. He just doesn’t like the response.

vor 1 Jahr (editiert) | 4,100


“In fact, I’m grateful he brought this to light” What’s actually going on in Logan’s head: ☕️ 🔫

vor 1 Jahr (editiert) | 21


Hurry up, don’t let it be forgotten, keep the momentum, he’s taking too long, it’s time

vor 1 Jahr | 16


This guy can only arrive at the right conclusion after exhausting all braindead options first. Truly.

vor 1 Jahr | 2,200


Translation: “A bunch of lawyers told me there’s no chance in hell that I’d win a defamation lawsuit and that I and my team did, in fact, scam the hell out of my fans. My bad, guys… we cool?”

vor 1 Jahr | 3,700


Love that this isn’t on any of his socials, super genuine

vor 1 Jahr (editiert) | 8



vor 1 Jahr (editiert) | 18


He only dropped the case because his lawyers told him it would be a waste of time and resources and that it would hurt his brand image. Not because he realized he was wrong.

vor 1 Jahr (editiert) | 6,100


It’s crazy that he does this literally every time he gets in trouble to see if he can get away with it, how can people still support him man?

vor 1 Jahr | 2,400


I can't even scroll through my feed without seeing a hand full of videos commenting on your video anymore. This has become a monster of a news story, Coffee. Good work!

vor 1 Jahr | 6


Apparently, taking accountability means blaming “the matrix”

vor 1 Jahr | 7