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Best Robert Zemeckis movie with Tom Hanks?
Here is the new one 😉 ➤

vor 2 Wochen | [YT] | 2,183


No question about that...forrest gump is godmode

vor 2 Wochen | 42


Forrest Gump is one of THE movies of all time. Cast away was also amazing, but Forrest was a masterpiece

vor 2 Wochen | 111


Tom Hanks leaves the island, and Wilson just too stuck in the terminal, and he leaves the terminal just to be stuck in the middle of the ocean with pirates

vor 2 Wochen | 18


Never tire of watching Forrest Gump. It's the perfect movie. Castaway is excellent as well.

vor 2 Wochen | 9


Don’t know who directed it but my favourite one is The Burbs. Love all Tom Hanks movies 🎥🎬❤️❤️

vor 2 Wochen | 21


Forrest Grumpy... Awesome movie.

vor 2 Wochen | 9


Forrest Gump is Masterpiece, one of the greatest movies of all time🏆

vor 2 Wochen | 7


I really enjoyed the polar Express, but forest Gump is just on another level.

vor 2 Wochen | 7


Polar Express all day....3 x Tom Hanks

vor 2 Wochen | 6


Cast Away is a masterpiece

vor 2 Wochen | 4


Forrest Gump isn’t just a movie but an exciting and sad adventure through somebody’s entire life

vor 2 Wochen (editiert) | 2


Cast Away. Beautiful film.

vor 2 Wochen | 3


"My mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get."

vor 2 Wochen | 20


Cast away hands down. WILSON!!!

vor 2 Wochen | 2


Cast Away was phenomenal

vor 2 Wochen | 2


I've watched Polar Express the most...lovely movie. Curled up on the sofa with the kids and a roaring log fire going at Christmas time ! 🔥

vor 2 Wochen | 1


Whoever choose Pinocchio just doesn’t understand good movies.

vor 2 Wochen | 23


Tom "Epstein Island" Hanks

vor 2 Wochen | 5


I like "Forest Gump".👍🏾

vor 2 Wochen | 2


I haven’t even watched forest gump and I just know it’s got to be that one cause I’ve heard soo many good things about it.

vor 2 Wochen | 0