The Sims

A message to our loyal community 💚

Link to the Laundry List:

vor 1 Monat | [YT] | 14,205


To be honest Wedding Stories should be on the top of the list for fixing. It’s still pretty broken. You guys need to STOP releasing stuff in broken unfinished states just so you can get another 20 bucks out of fans of the game. It’s despicable.

vor 1 Monat (editiert) | 3,900


This is a wake up call for all of us. We need to keep voicing our concerns. Money speaks!! Excited for this.

vor 1 Monat | 2,600


It only took ten years, round of applause everybody!!

vor 1 Monat | 2,100


Guys, don't applaud a fish for swimming

vor 1 Monat | 1,800


I‘ll believe it once I see it. They did a lot of trash talking over the last years. And no, I won’t be thankful for it since that should be a thing right away from the start.

vor 1 Monat (editiert) | 2,200


Until the plants stop dying, and my sim stop gulping down water, and all my guests stop making white cakes, I am not sure I’ll believe that this is real.

vor 1 Monat (editiert) | 5,600


what having no competition for years on end does to a franchise

vor 1 Monat | 344


Y'all have a lot of work to do. I hope someone over there at that circus realizes that quickly pumping out lackluster, unfinished, low quality, or all of the above content does more harm than good. People don't play this game anymore for the experience. They play because it's the capital of a genre, which is now about to be usurped due to EAs poor choices and Maxis' poor damage control.

vor 1 Monat | 168


Translation: Now that there’s actual competitors in this genre, we decided we should start fixing bugs YEARS later

vor 1 Monat | 118


Oh? Did your wallet get affected already?

vor 1 Monat | 1,800


Their competition really lit a fire under them didn’t it? About time.

vor 1 Monat (editiert) | 1,100


Stop thanking them, its been 10 years and just saying theyre gonna fix things doesnt mean anything. Thank them for doing their job once the gamebreaking bugs are gone.

vor 1 Monat | 74


its almost as if they should have done this 10 fuckin years ago lol

vor 1 Monat | 268


Thats great and all, but can you guys stop slapping a bandaid over the gaping hole that is this game? Minor bug fixes arent gonna do anything when the core game is broken? And can we fix these packs or recieve refunds for them? Wedding stories main function, weddings, is bugged as hell and doesnt work, For Rent causes major file corruptions and doesnt work either, Dine Out doesnt function as a resturant. Stop releasing more packs which only further break the game and focus on actually fixing it first.

vor 1 Monat (editiert) | 523


Taking a look at the comments, it’s quit overwhelmingly that your core users have this much distrust, disdain and skepticism from you. We the user base MAKE UP your product use, so for this many people to all voice the same concerns is quite alarming. As a business owner my first thing is to tackle all the friction points…or at least what is attainable. Customer satisfaction should be a priority. Listening to your user base could actually lead you to have a FAR better product than you initially planned because your users are your best supporters, but coming from the comments it looks like you let a LOT of them down.

vor 1 Monat | 117


This is a shockingly respectful press release for such a dishonest and greedy company. Thank you for communicating straightforwardly and respectfully

vor 1 Monat (editiert) | 384


Every time my sims garden the plants reset every night or two. I can’t even play with the gardening skill anymore.

vor 1 Monat | 87


The bugs in Sims 4 motivated me to clear up space in my hard drive so that I can run the epicly laggy Sims 3.

vor 1 Monat | 47


so you havent had a team fixing bugs this whole time ??

vor 1 Monat | 262


Biggest reason why I stopped playing Sims 4 is because the bugs ruined my gameplay experience

vor 1 Monat | 29