Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell

What’s the distance to the farthest things we can see?

Our sight limit defines a sphere with us at the center – we call it “Observable Universe”.
But how big is it? The universe is 13.8 billion years old, so the furthest things we can see are those whose light has been travelling for 13.8 billion years. Does the Observable Universe have a radius of 13.8 Bly, then? Well, not quite – since the Universe is expanding, those 13.8 Bly have now become about 3 times larger – some 45 Bly. That's the size of the Observable Universe – for now!

vor 2 Monaten | [YT] | 20,955


'round these parts we call it "over yonder"

vor 2 Monaten | 396


It's Tree-fiddy.

vor 2 Monaten | 207


Most people have an existential crisis of feeling so small. But by just ignoring the feeling, everything seems beautiful and "chaotic in a peaceful way".

vor 2 Monaten | 21


Why am I floating in the abyss of space as a tiny dot inside a circle? I’ve had weird days, but not like this.

vor 2 Monaten | 1,200


I love how this makes me literally the centre of the (observable) universe!

vor 2 Monaten | 182


Ah, my daily dose of existential dread, thanks Kurzgesagt!

vor 2 Monaten | 375


So the volume of the observable universe is 3.23×10^77 m^3

vor 2 Monaten | 83


Lets salute to the google map drivers for doing this.

vor 2 Monaten | 36


"Earth is flat" was so yesterday "How do you know the observable universe is a circle?" is the real new deal

vor 2 Monaten | 73


Is there any estimate from outside the observable universe?

vor 2 Monaten (editiert) | 28


Kurzgesagt I would like to thank you for introducing me to the wonderful world physics four years ago and showing me what I wanted to do with the rest of my years on this tiny blue dot at the centre of a vast and beautiful universe.

vor 2 Monaten (editiert) | 2


And Voyager 1 has traveled 24.5 light hours in 47 years. Are we there yet? 😀

vor 2 Monaten | 10


Whats the size of "Reachable Universe" then

vor 2 Monaten | 55


What's crazy is that because the distance from the nucleus to the electron is so large, and between it there's practically nothing, the majority of the universe is empty

vor 2 Monaten | 5


The entire universe is probably way bigger, which I don't find scary at all. I find it calming and relieving.

vor 2 Monaten | 1


Wow that’s amazing how we can see for so far!

vor 2 Monaten | 1


Hold on, so is the universe itself expanding (stretching) or the observable unuverse expanding as light travels to us

vor 2 Monaten | 47


Nah, If I would guess the universe is at least 3 km.

vor 2 Monaten | 8


I love your animation and pics, kurzgesagt

vor 2 Monaten | 0


We Stan the observable universe radius 🗣️🗣️🔥🔥💯

vor 2 Monaten | 1