Ossy Flawol

Hi folks. If you’ve seen my latest video you may have seen me shoutout the White Eyes Investigation Discord. I am here to say that the Discord is now permanently gone until further notice, as someone has falsely reported the server and caused all moderator’s accounts to be wiped - including mine.

I am trying to appeal the disabling of my Discord account, but let it be known that once I do bring it back, I will not be bringing back the White Eyes Investigation Discord under my wing.

vor 1 Jahr | [YT] | 161


Gotta love dumb internet drama. It's sad that once a community gets huge in cases like Minecraft, things like this become more frequent. This is why you back up everything you can; don't rely on any one thing to store your information.

vor 1 Jahr | 32


I'm sorry this happened, it sucks when people can't let other people have fun.

vor 1 Jahr | 17


Full account deletion just for being associated with a server that got auto removed? Christ, Discord is a shit platform.

vor 1 Jahr | 17


this is absolutely horrendous and i genuinely feel bad for you. i've heard servers and accounts getting nuked in the past from some friends but this? does discord even care to look at the server??

vor 1 Jahr | 11


Ah, another victim of Discord's god awful 'moderation' It really sucks when this stuff happens, my old account was banned after people in a server did something bad and someone reported loads of people (including people who weren't even aware of the situation like myself). I contacted discord for an appeal and they basically told me they weren't gonna do shit

vor 1 Jahr | 18


this is why we can't have nice things

vor 1 Jahr | 11


that's insane, i'm so sorry. I wonder if some place like a forum [with vetted entry, of course] or a website would be better for this?

vor 1 Jahr | 4


Discord be like: "Instead of doing things that people want, where gonna change the name system for no reason at all!" But seriously, this is very unfortanate. Just more bad news ontop of all the bad news.. great.. I hate big corporations.. And people can really suck most of the time..

vor 1 Jahr | 3


That’s disappointing.

vor 1 Jahr | 4


Why did this even happen? I'm so confused.

vor 1 Jahr | 2


What now

vor 11 Monaten | 0


you should make the best of this and make an a small ARG video about how white eyes creator did creepy things and shut the server down mayhaps

vor 1 Jahr | 6


Haha lol

vor 1 Jahr | 0


discord moment

vor 1 Jahr | 3



vor 1 Jahr | 0


its a shame, innit?

vor 10 Monaten | 0