
Hope you gamers liked the recent Pirate King video! I'll be traveling to Singapore in a month, and I'd like to make some more live action content with the puppet while I'm there! What wacky or interesting anecdotes/stories would you like me to cover in Singapore?

vor 1 Woche | [YT] | 4,806


Puppet? OH you mean the hand you sit on? That's one realistic puppet then. 😂

vor 1 Woche | 319


Ah yes the vomiting bluejay Singapore's most famous monument

vor 1 Woche (editiert) | 134  


Another amusing historical fact about Singapore involves the use of chewing gum. In 1992, the Singaporean government banned the import and sale of chewing gum to maintain cleanliness and prevent gum litter. The strict law was enforced so rigorously that even possession of chewing gum could lead to a hefty fine. However, this ban did not include nicotine or dental gums, which are considered therapeutic. The law has since been slightly relaxed to allow the sale of therapeutic gums, but the ban on regular chewing gum remains a unique and quirky aspect of Singaporean law.

vor 1 Woche | 21


The bicycle battalion or whatever it was called, where an army charged into Singapore on bikes. I honestly don't remember the details but the concept is certainly unusual.

vor 1 Woche | 72


seriously been on youtube since the dawn and I seriously love everything about this channel and its energy. your jokes always hit your animations are always interesting. there are a ton of channels out there that do comedy history type stuff but your package with both the skits the animation and of course the blue bird himself is just perfect. I hope you are enjoying it as well I know youtube and needing to post can get stressful so thanks for all you do!

vor 1 Woche | 24  


Sentosa island has an “amusement park” that is nothing like what you find in the US. Even if you don’t cover it you should definitely go. I remember the “butterfly museum” having live snakes, scorpions, and parrots you could hold. This was in 2008 though.

vor 1 Woche | 17


You should do about why Singapore left Malaysia It’s quite a interesting story and basically a joke for us here in Malaysia

vor 1 Woche | 44


I would love any local crazy story that fits into your normal style. Even without animations

vor 1 Woche | 4


There's that one rock with an indecipherable language we (and by we I mean our colonial overlords the british) decided to blow up cuz it was in the way... atleast I think it was the British... RIP mark of ancient civilisation

vor 1 Woche (editiert) | 10


Heyy welcome to my home country hope u enjoy the sights and sound.Love your content btw.Do visit our mandai wildlife center among few other attraction

vor 1 Woche | 5


Very pleasant surprise ! I hope you enjoy our hawkers centers and whatnot. As for stories... You might as well review our contemporary history and how odd it is. From being kicked out a country, several decades of dubious shenanigans and the subsequent glowup that resulted from the unlikely maneuvers

vor 1 Woche | 2


The weird way Singapore got independence would be a good topic

vor 1 Woche | 2


The Grand Prix track, which is a street circuit

vor 1 Woche | 3


The photo was cut off on my phone and I thought it said "GIGAPORN"

vor 1 Woche | 3


Here's another interesting and quirky historical fact about Singapore: In the early 19th century, Singapore's founder, Sir Stamford Raffles, imposed a curfew for pigs. Raffles, who established modern Singapore as a British colony in 1819, noticed that pigs roaming freely in the streets were causing hygiene issues and disrupting public order. As a result, he decreed that pigs had to be kept off the streets between 7 PM and 7 AM.

vor 1 Woche | 1


Love your content. Always look forward to your next video.

vor 1 Woche | 0


Ooh, cool. Hope you'll enjoy the trip

vor 1 Woche | 1


I don't know any wacky stories but I'd love to see you at the spot Nelson Piquet Jr smashed his Renault to ensure Alonsos victory in the 2008 Singapore Grand Prix. Truly a historic moment

vor 1 Woche | 1


Singapore is amazing! Make sure you hit up as many hawker centers as you can!!!

vor 1 Woche | 0


I can’t wait!

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