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For the latest episode of VICE’s War on Drugs series, we explore Northern Ireland’s appetite for benzos, known colloquially as blues or yellows, and how it has its roots in the decades of sectarian conflict known as The Troubles. -

vor 1 Tag | [YT] | 1,380


For many of us, commemorating a death is a pretty somber affair, complete with black mourning gear, sad organ music and brown wooden boxes being lowered into dirt. But in Ghana, there’s an appetite for a more personalized resting place, one that reflects all the color and joy of someone’s life.⁠

Coffins at Kwei Carpentry Workshop, Accra, come in endless shapes and sizes: A giant fish, a cigarette packet, a human-sized chili pepper. According to workshop director Eric Adjenty Anang, 33, the design is usually based on aspects of a person’s life, profession, or personality. “So if they were a farmer, the family of the deceased could decide based on which crop he farmed,” he explains. “If they were making cocoa, the coffin could be a chocolate bar.”⁠

Often, the decision-making process becomes a healing tool for loved ones. “It’s always fun discussing with them because when they show up, you feel kind of sad and stuff. So as soon as I start talking to them, I try to bring in a bit of humor, you know,” he says.⁠

Once commissioned, Anang and his small team of trainee student carpenters set about bringing the design to life out of wood and nails, a process that can take a month or more. Read the full interview here:…

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Oobah Butler is back and this time he’s taking on Amazon. If you're in the US, click through to watch as he gets a job at a fulfilment centre, films the shitty conditions and manages to sell a drink made of Amazon drivers’ pee on the platform:

vor 1 Woche | [YT] | 2,386


So far every Native American tribe to grow marijuana has been shut down by police. Now the Paiute Tribe of Las Vegas is looking to weed to save their tribe from extinction. -

This episode of Weediquette first aired on VICE TV in 2016.

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In Argentina, lifelong scammer Leonardo Cositorto finally found his calling – selling crypto hot air, fake gold, and a whole fake cryptocurrency ecosystem. -

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Ryan Townley is a figurehead in the world of skateboarding, but his collage art is where he is most self-critical: “Sometimes when I’ve created art and posted it, it’s a bit of imposter syndrome," he says. "You’re like, do people actually like this or is it just because I skateboard?”⁠

Townley makes his collages out of old magazines he finds from thrift stores and yard sales – and his designs are now iconic at Welcome Skateboards, a US-based skateboard deck brand. In our next episode of Let It Kill You, we meet up with Ryan Townley, to get insights into his artistic background, childhood experiences, and skateboarding career. Additionally, we hear from his close circle about his decisions to pursue professional skateboarding and fine art.⁠

“He’s one of the icons of the brand at this point,” says Jason Celaya, owner of Welcome Skateboards. “All of us want to make a mark on skateboarding and he embodies that.”⁠

Watch the full episode here:

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Krishna heads to Washington DC to find out how partial pot legalization works and then to Amsterdam to see how decades of weed tolerance, not full legalization, has played out. -

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There's a race to save a dozen small cetaceans, the last in the world of their species. They're caught as bycatch in nets set to trap a fish with a huge demand in China. Two key towns in this region, San Felipe and Santa Clara, rely almost entirely on fishing shrimp and local fish. Times are perpetually challenging, but engaging in illicit totoaba fishing can yield a substantial paycheck. Can anything be done? -

vor 4 Wochen | [YT] | 554


“You’re never gonna make 100% cool ****, like that’s ******* the nature of it. But we try,”

Watch the first episode of 'Let it Kill You' featuring Mike “Lottie” Gigliotti here:

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Can the booming business of marijuana become the first gender-equal industry? -

vor 1 Monat | [YT] | 1,270