I'm that guy that talks a lot about toplane fundamentals. I played League professionaly for 3 years and I've been challenger for 7 years and counting, and I'm here to teach you guys everything about toplane!

Editor: Tar


I firmly believe that Warmogs Mundo right now is one of the most easy and very consistent ways to start climbing, I also think this will be nerfed as it is such a braindead playstyle, but for now it WORKS
I am doing my unranked to Master on Mundo and we're currently around emerald MMR
Come watch me teach you every step to start climbing consistently on toplane right NOW BROS

vor 38 Minuten | [YT] | 36



vor 3 Tage (editiert) | [YT] | 222



I'm joining the V9 Tournament that will start tomorrow and today we scrim Team Agurin to have some practice before it starts TOMORROW come join: www.twitch.tv/alois_NL

vor 5 Tage | [YT] | 703


We are back with the FULL Educational Unranked to Master as it's been a long time since I've done one
We are going to start it off with Mundo who in my opinion is one of the best champions to start climbing consistently as he's very easy to play and one of the best scaling champions in the game
If you want to follow the journey live come check it out here: www.twitch.tv/alois_NL

vor 1 Woche | [YT] | 240


Yo bros, I'm still a bit sick but I feel GOOD enough again to start streaming and getting back to a normal rhythm
Going to practice for a Tournament that I will be joining with an amazing team of streamers, more information soon

I will be practicing for the tournament and playing a variety of champions, if you want to check it out LETS GO:

vor 2 Wochen | [YT] | 271


Hello everybody,

I've been home from the KR trip since Friday and my idea was to take the weeking off being offline and starting again today with streaming regularly. Unfortunate fever broke out last night and it's pretty shitty timing. I will extend my rest until I feel physically good to stream again ( mainly my voice )

I will do some offline recording whenever I feel some strength for youtube but I take regular breaks inbetween, so gotta wait till I feel fit enough to stream a full round

I wish you all an amazing productive start to your week, and I will be back very soon with healthmaxxing vitamins + dietđź’™

vor 2 Wochen | [YT] | 1,230


Yo bros an update on the KOREA TRIP and why I won't extend my trip past June 13th.

I want to write this post to keep you all updated on my experience and my trip here, so here's a quick summary of it all.

Thus far the Trip has been an amazing success and I could not be more grateful for all the things I get to experience here. We hit Rank 12 and were the highest LP toplaner for a bit. The overwhelming support has been absolutely amazing. I say this lightly in two sentences, but I am genuinely incredibly thankful for all of the support and everybody following me on this Journey and making it possible in the first place!

We are currently 1000 LP and have been for the past week and it's starting to feel like I've hit a plateau here. I'm constantly moving back and forth between 900-1100 LP And to hit Rank 1, we would need to reach a total of 1600 LP.

My personal goal going to Korea is hitting Rank 1. After not getting any closer after the past week of grinding has left me feeling a bit weird in general, and it impacted my mood heavily during streams. I don't want to make excuses as to why I can't climb higher but for me one takeaway is that it's hard to keep up with the Toplane meta in Korea. The most played champions by all toplaners are: Rumble, TF, Skarner, Camille, Ksante when I just play Riven. This of course is my own choice, and it is something I will consider for future similiar climbs and become more adaptive. It's hard to compete at this level when most meta champions counter Riven, and I don't want to only rely on playing Riven for future similiar climbs.

Then regarding balance

My sleepschedule here is no bueno. I fall asleep at around 11 AM Korea time and I wake up around 7-8 PM. I did this schedule the first week as I wanted to have the best possible timezone for EU / NA combined. However, I noticed that I can't maintain this schedule for longer but I have had issues trying to "Fix" my schedule. Everytime I would stay awake longer to reset my schedule, my body doesn't adapt to the new schedule I try to do to and I just end up laying awake in bed for a long time till it's around 8 AM again and finally fall asleep. This has just made me feel very exhausted in general after doing this unholy sleep schedule for 3 weeks.

There also has been some developments in my personal life that keep my thoughts occupied when I'm not streaming so it's been a bit hard for me to find good rest whilst I am here.

SO with these reasonings combined I've decided to not extend my Trip past June 13th.

Now I don't want this post to be about negativity, I just want to openly take you through my thoughts and reasonings to not extend my trip further and my trip thus far. It feels good for me to write these things out as it just clears my head and relieves some pressure that I mostly put on myself. I will spend the last week still streaming and playing in Korea but I will also go and sightsee beyond the 4 corners of my Hotel room. I'm very open to some recommendations for Restaurants/Places to visit!

My main goal is returning to POSITIVE energy for the Streams that I will do and ENJOY the remainder of my Trip here. Let's make the last week of the Korea trip a banger and who knows where we end up o7

vor 1 Monat | [YT] | 2,224



Today long stream -> 700 LP Rank 41 start, lets see if we can get top 20 and I play majoras mask in queue
ALSO, can we hit 100K Followers on Twitch today?? www.twitch.tv/alois_NL

vor 1 Monat | [YT] | 527


YO BROS, update on Korea trip

We hit Challenger in Korea with a 67% winrate after 8 days of playing, and I am feeling absolutely amazing. The MMR we currently have is around +25 -15, and I'm starting to build confidence that I really can go all the way to Rank 1 which is the end goal of this trip.

We started off in Gold elo after placements, and we started climbing fast. Around mid-high Plat we started getting into master Lobbies, and since Emerald we've been sitting in the highest MMR games possible which is why my MMR is so good.

I hope that you guys are enjoying the full tryhard content over in Korea, and we'll be here for a minimum of 3 more weeks to try and get to Rank 1. I am streaming everyday for about 9-12 hours and I will keep AT IT.

Two quick updates for the trip:
I have a second channel where I store full unedited VODs of the best games we have in Korea, so if you want to study full unedited VODS ( also of the games that are posted on the main channel ) go check it out here:

Thank you to all of you for ALL and ANY support, if it wasn't for all of you I would not be able to be here in Korea and make content for a living. I have the privilege to wake up everyday to do what I love, and I am genuinely extremely grateful to each and every single one of you and I never want to stop repeating that. Thank you for putting me in the position that I am in, I will keep striving to make the best content and get RANK 1.

vor 1 Monat | [YT] | 3,059


THE KOREAN SOLOQ GRIND BEGINS, DAY 1: www.twitch.tv/alois_nl

vor 1 Monat | [YT] | 1,001