Hi! everyone and welcome to Chrillsims3 channel...

Ok! so here i go.. im a boy that loves to play the sims games, and create stuff like houses, i have building houses since The sims 1 came out, about 10 years ago :) so in middle of 2009 when they released "the sims 3" i created this account.. that im today is very happy that i did because i have learned very much these years, so far...

If i would a sim, i would have these traits:

1. Perfectionist
2. Loser
3. Brave
4. Computer whiz
5. Heavy sleeper

___Good to know____

# im 19 years old
# Gamehanne3000 is my younger brother
# im very good on playing bowling too, my record is 279
# a house building video takes up to 2-3 weeks to create



People with Autism are literally the people that change society for the better since we can see outside the box... here is a list of Autistic people:

Albert Einstein
Isaac Newton
Greta Thunberg
Elon Musk

Autism is a Gift. Not a Disability.

vor 2 Jahre | [YT] | 254


is there a mystery within Sims 4 that I haven't done and that you would want to see? (I can't believe I'm saying these words right now 😅)

vor 2 Jahre | [YT] | 125


Happy Birthday Chrillsims! 12 Years! Your soon a teenager 😅

vor 3 Jahre | [YT] | 147


Not gonna mention names but... Don't steal and rip off my Simfact series. Not Cool.

vor 3 Jahre | [YT] | 189


A Shoutout to all women! :) people who play The Sims are real gamers btw ;)

vor 3 Jahre | [YT] | 280


I don't wanna get too much in detail on what I have been working on for a while now since it's an extremely huge project... but you need to know that the future of Chrillsims channel will be focused on cinematic storytelling. I'm writing a story. that will be both a book I release and a video series on youtube. The Story is right now a mix between Sci-Fi, Romance, Thriller, and mystery...

The Videos will be recorded in a 3D Animation software know as Blender and I will use the Disney Pixar Render engine. I will use some sims object but mostly my own objects... I wouldn't say it's sims videos but it will look like one but with much better graphics

vor 3 Jahre | [YT] | 436


I’m so disappointed in myself. When i created Simfacts it was meant to tell the stories of a Detective in the mystery genre... instead i inspired people who seek alternative facts from real facts... Which was never intended so this channel ended up with a lot of Trump and right wing supporters... i will never make that mistake ever again i kinda killed my own channel and it will take time to regain my self-confidence back to normal. Hate me how much you want I don't care

vor 3 Jahre | [YT] | 296


People say I shouldn't bring up politics... but this is much more than having a different opinion. we can discuss political opinions sure but when the other side chooses to physically be disconnected from reality and ignore facts... and believe in conspiracy theories then you can go and f**k yourself.

vor 3 Jahre | [YT] | 306


Patreon deleted my account due to 0 patrons for a very long period of time even before I took my one year break. so Patreon deleted it because it was dead... to be honest, I understand why... but it's sad. I might be a creative person but I suck being a businessman. that's why I failed to be a YouTuber

vor 3 Jahre | [YT] | 199


Hey guys! Just wanna let you know I’m moving to a new home... And I would be busy most of the time... But when I have time left I’m working on my project... 2020 has been awful year for this channel.. but I hope I would do different for 2021 😊

vor 3 Jahre | [YT] | 271