Mystic's Library

Hi everyone! My name is Mystic and welcome to my Library! I hope you enjoy your stay!

Check out my Throne wishlist!

Mystic's Library

One more quick update. I decided to take the rest of the week off from posting videos, but I'll be back next week and continuing XC3. I'll be decreasing the number of videos I post per week to avoid burnout/worsening my anxiety again though!

Thank you for all of your kind and supportive comments while I focus on my mental health!

vor 5 Tage | [YT] | 48

Mystic's Library

Ok everyone,

I made a mistake lol. I don't think that trying to do two different series on Youtube was the right move for me, especially right now. My anxiety has been really bad the last month or so and I think I need to talk to my Dr about my medication and whether I need a higher dose. I should have just stuck to XC3 and left Dawntrail for myself because I am already feeling the start of burnout (something that happens a lot quicker for me when my anxiety is bad).

I may discontinue Dawntrail as a playthrough and just keep it for myself (though I might do a few videos discussing the story and such once I finish).

XC3 will continue as per usual, but I might back videos down to 3 times per week until my anxiety is better.

Also with my kids home from school for the summer, I really want to spend more time with them and I feel like I haven't been able to do that lately, so I might try and have a few more offline days so I can focus on family stuff!

I also think that trying to do more playthroughs wasn't the right idea for me (which I should have known but do I ever listen to myself? No.). Once XC3 & Future Redeemed finish I will be moving back to more reviews, story recaps, lists, previews etc for both RPGs and cozy games. That was always so much better for me anxiety and burnout-wise and honestly, I shouldn't have stopped them.

While I'm dealing with my burnout and anxiety, I might be a bit quiet on Discord and Youtube comments as well.

Sorry for changing things up so soon after starting my Dawntrail series, but I think I'd rather do this now than before I got too far into it.

Stay tuned for new stuff along with my XC3 playthrough, in the coming weeks!

vor 1 Woche | [YT] | 56

Mystic's Library

Hello everyone!

Just a quick update on my content plans starting on July 8th!

I still have a ways to go in XC3 so rather than waiting to finish it before starting my Dawntrail playthrough, I will be posting both and splitting my recording and posting time between them.

I don't really have any other games planned until Dragon Age so it's fine with me if they both take a while to finish up!

vor 1 Woche | [YT] | 23

Mystic's Library

Hey everyone!

I've been thinking for a few days about how I want to approach posting my playthrough of Dawntrail on Youtube. I am absolutely still going to post a playthrough because I loved doing my Endwalker series, but I think I want to finish Xenoblade 3 first. I don't think it's a good idea for me to try and post two very story intense playthroughs at the same time as I don't want to burn out.

So I am going to finish up XC3 and Future Redeemed first and then post my Dawntrail content after that. So Dawntrail will go up a bit later than most other people, but I did that with Endwalker too and didn't have a problem. It also gives me a chance to decide what job I want to play and get it leveled up if need be. I'm also not worried about spoilers because the FF14 community is really good about keeping things spoiler free.

Given how quickly I've been getting my XC3 content out, I expect Dawntrail to start in mid to late July!

Also just a reminder that I am discontinuing Twitch streams for the foreseeable future as I've been having a blast posting all of this story content on Youtube. If you sub to me there, and still want to support me with a monetary subscription, you can cancel your Twitch sub to me and become a Youtube member instead! I have it set to be only $2.99 a month and because Youtube gives a much bigger cut than Twitch, I end up making just a tiny bit less per sub on Youtube than on Twitch (which is soon going to be $5.99 a month). You can do that here:

Thanks for reading! And I hope you all are having a great summer so far! ❤️

vor 3 Wochen | [YT] | 32

Mystic's Library

Hi everyone! There won't be a Xenoblade 3 video today as I'm going to be posting my reaction to the Dragon Age: The Veilguard gameplay trailer later! Dragon Age is one of my all-time favorite game series and I am so excited to see what Veilguard has in store for us!

XC3 videos will resume tomorrow!

vor 1 Monat | [YT] | 21

Mystic's Library

Part 1 of Chapter 2 of my Xenoblade 3 playthrough will go up tomorrow! I am still working on editing it as I had some issues with my microphone sound. Stay tuned!

vor 1 Monat | [YT] | 23

Mystic's Library


I wanted to give you all a heads up about some changes that I am going to be making to the Youtube and Twitch channels starting this coming week.

After giving it some thought, I think I finally know the direction that I want my Youtube channel to go in, but it is going to require more of my time so therefore I am likely going to be changing up how I do my Twitch streams to accommodate for that.

I am going to be going back to posting playthroughs for mostly RPGs on Youtube, but they are not going to be let's play style full playthroughs that include combat and stuff. If you are familiar with my Final Fantasy XIV videos on Youtube, especially my Endwalker content, it will be done in a very similar way to that focusing more on the story and cutscenes (and my reactions to those) and less on the combat. My Endwalker content was a lot of fun for me to to make and I want to get back to that.

The first game I will be doing this for is Xenoblade Chronicles 3. I am hopeful that I can get it done before Dawntrail, but if I start Dawntrail a little late, I am ok with that too. Obviously Dawntrail will be next after that.

Streams on Twitch are NOT going away. I love them too much for that and I love talking with all of you live. However, I will no longer be scheduling set days for them and will instead go back to just streaming when I am able to. This might vary week by week, but I want to stream at least once per week and focus on something more casual (like Coral Island or Paper Mario) so I can just relax and chat with you all.

I'll be posting next week's schedule tomorrow as I still have to work out some things. But expect the new Xenoblade 3 videos to start going up towards the middle of this week.

Thank you all for reading! I'm excited to put all of this in motion and I think it will work really well for me!

vor 1 Monat (editiert) | [YT] | 23

Mystic's Library

I forgot to take a selfie today but I'm live with more Coral Island! Come hang out and chat!

vor 1 Monat | [YT] | 7

Mystic's Library

I'm live with the remake of Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door! I'm so excited to get back to an old favorite of mine! Come hang out and chat!

vor 1 Monat | [YT] | 11

Mystic's Library

Live with Coral Island! I am still so obsessed with this game! I also want to talk about stream times a bit as I'm going to change a few things once the kids finish school. I also want to discuss Youtube channel plans as I've been feeling a bit unmotivated here lately. So come hang out and chat with me while do my usual bisexual panic!

vor 1 Monat | [YT] | 12